Rationality is a Human Contruct

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David Killens's picture
Brave brave Sir Robin
Cognostic's picture
No! Nothing needs to be 100%
Sheldon's picture
This is catholicray's
dogalmighty's picture
Just giving you a hint guys..
Craybelieves's picture
dogalmighty's picture
You have been exposed as
dogalmighty's picture
You have been exposed as
arakish's picture
catholicray: "I'm not trying
WrongVerb's picture
I don't know about others,
dogalmighty's picture
Science is the scimitar that
xenoview's picture
Religion is a human construct
Cognostic's picture
Catholicray is a human
David Killens's picture
We are not compliant alter
arakish's picture
And here is a thought:
terraphon's picture
Can it please be time to stop
Sheldon's picture
After he answers my questions


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