Reasons you believe there's God

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mysticrose's picture
Reasons you believe there's God

Theists, what are you're reason to believe that God really exists?
Post it here so we can identify every reason that you have.
I'm a theist but not a Christian.
My reason to believe in god are the following:
Some should have had started it all.
If we are intellectual beings, who could be the one who designed us this way if there is no god.
Somebody knows it all and that's god.

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Matty Arnold's picture
If you wouldn't mind, I'd
Paul Grinwis's picture
Hello again Matty Arnold, I
Matty Arnold's picture
I won't restate everything
Shock of God's picture
Firstly, you can't cut out
SammyShazaam's picture
To answer your first question
AnimalLeader's picture
I would love to hear some
Walker's picture
There is no argument that
mysticrose's picture
I'm not a religious person. I
Matty Arnold's picture
Well, that's the kind of
Shock of God's picture
What you say is actually
Rob's picture
I belibe a question like
Matty Arnold's picture
This fact in itself is some
mysticrose's picture
I agree to the post of Paul,
SammyShazaam's picture
Before people go on thinking
efpierce's picture
Thanks Sammy! That's some
SammyShazaam's picture
And now you know why I make
Zaphod's picture
I know there was recently
SammyShazaam's picture
And here we are :) Thank you
Shock of God's picture
The first thing I noticed in
SammyShazaam's picture
Great, so you've disproved
Shock of God's picture
My job is not to prove God.
SammyShazaam's picture
... and how exactly do you
Shock of God's picture
I'm still waiting for a
SammyShazaam's picture
... and we're still waiting
PsychoSarah's picture
This is quite the forum of
Zaphod's picture
This is a recent and
PsychoSarah's picture
-_- look, I just want people
SammyShazaam's picture
Then, I suggest you might
Zaphod's picture
I just am having problems
Shock of God's picture
So, when I apply logic and


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