Religion shouldn’t be in our government

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Up To My Neck's picture
Religion shouldn’t be in our government

It’s bad enough that religion has its hand in so much of our daily lives, but it should have NO place in laws that are passed. Religion shouldn’t dictate who marries who, who gets immunizations, if a woman can have an abortion, religion has no place in these matters. It sucks to-be an atheist, in my case, someone who hates religion, and still have to abide by religion in government. My son had a history teacher last year who would spill his religious opinions into his history lessons. That’s bullshit! Churches shouldn’t be tax free either! The money given to them was already a tax deduction! In my opinion, the whole religious system is right there with the best of organized crime! I wish religion was where it belongs, privately held beliefs that are left at home when you leave home. We know right from wrong without god telling us. If society can’t instill morals, we are fucked beyond belief. I hope people blinded by this shit will one day see the truth. Them praying to god does no more good than me praying to a tree. At least the tree is there though. These deranged thoughts and ideas have no place in laws passed for our day to day lives. People have the right to believe anything they want to, or not believe anything they want to. Should be left at that.

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Tin-Man's picture
@PJ Re: "Religion shouldn’t

@PJ Re: "Religion shouldn’t be in our government"

Yep. Preaching to the choir, big guy.... Preaching to the choir.... *chuckle*... *shaking head in amusement*...

Cognostic's picture
Preaching to the Choir.

Preaching to the Choir.

Up To My Neck's picture
Absolutely! The news here has

Absolutely! The news here has been full of religious bull for the last week! People thanking god for various reasons and the news people using that to create a feel good story. Stories of a church burning down asking for help to rebuild. It’s fucking everywhere! People who don’t believe that shit are treaded upon on a daily basis.

algebe's picture
I was born in England and I

I was born in England and I've lived in New Zealand and Australia. The head of state in these countries is Queen Elizabeth II, who was chosen by god to rule over us and anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as the head of the Church of England at her coronation. I've also lived in Japan, whose Emperor is the descendant of gods.

Yet all of these countries seem to have less religion in their governments and public life than a republic founded by atheists and led by a democratically elected president. What a colossal irony.

Up To My Neck's picture
Our politicians would have to

Our politicians would have to pretend to believe even if they don’t. That’s a problem.

Cognostic's picture
There is no news on American

There is no news on American TV. It's all BULLSHIT. ,

And just when your thought it was going to end...

terraphon's picture
"There is no news on American

"There is no news on American TV. It's all BULLSHIT."

Cog's right, you know.

dogalmighty's picture
Religion shouldn't be

Religion shouldn't be anywhere.

Cognostic's picture
@Pirate Jack: "Our

@Pirate Jack: "Our politicians would have to pretend to believe even if they don’t."

Are you old enough to know about the Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care?
"Every July, some of the richest and most powerful men in the world gather at a 2,700 acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., for two weeks of heavy drinking, super-secret talks, DRUID WORSHIP."

Fleeing in Terror's picture
I don't want government in my

I don't want government in my religion either. I am with you on the separation of church & state. My company sponsored tickets to a local 'prayer' breakfast. The speaker was from Wall Builders. If you pray to God, you will win all your battles in war.

Absolutely terrifying. I couldn't leave as I was wedged in the back and the room was packed. At least the food was good.

Up To My Neck's picture
Well that’s disturbing to say

Well that’s disturbing to say the least! Never knew of this!

comoke1024's picture
I don't see why anybody would

I don't see why anybody would want religion in their government. There are so many sects, what are the odds that all of the decisions will match up 100% with your beliefs? Just for Christians, some are going to oppose gay marriage, some won't. The reasoning for making abortion illegal is the same as the reasoning for making slavery legal. Some are going to want public prayers, others are going to say Matthew 6:6 says we need to keep our praying quiet.

The problem with this is you can twist and interpret your holy book to say whatever you want and no one can argue against it because it's"faith." The guy saying he gets multiple wives has just as much validity to his argument as the guy who advocates stoning his new wife for not being a virgin.

The Middle East has many examples of theocracy and I certainly wouldn't want to live there...

Randomhero1982's picture
Religion or religious books

Religion or religious books should only be found in the fictional stories bargain bin of a shitty book store for .49p

Or recycled to make utensils to pick up dog shit.

Cognostic's picture
We will certainly all be

We will certainly all be better off when religious texts merit the title of "Ancient Mythology." And take their place along side the Adventures of Odysseus and Grim's Fairly Tales.

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