Religous beginning -means to obtain tax

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Blog_Bradlington's picture
Religous beginning -means to obtain tax

Could the beginning of all religions writings not have started with ; we need tax money .

Seeing that they all started around the same time , have used this fantasy of writings to serve as a means to collect tax.

For a tax exempt society nothing appears to have changed , religious organizations are continuously looking for financial support .

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Cognostic's picture
I would not call it TAX.
david43's picture
I doubt it. Religion probably


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CyberLN's picture
Brad, you wrote, “Seeing that
martiscore's picture
This theme in history. When
julia henry's picture
I am a newbie and your post
stoltenberg's picture
I am a little confused.
walterjacobson's picture
drift boss, we are fighting
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