The road to Hell is paved with good intentions

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ThePragmatic's picture
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions

Reading some of the forum posts lately really got me fired up, as well as disgusted.

I find that the believers I dislike the most, is those who are so disconnected from reality that they think they are doing good, but like bulldozers they plow through life without any reality based empathy.
Telling others that they will pray for them, so steeped in arrogance and ignorance that they don't think for a second that others may not share their beliefs, that they might not appreciate such comments, that they might even get insulted. Offering their misguided faith based help to people who might have other religions or no religion at all. Giving homosexuals tips on how to get rid of their "condition". Telling young people that god commands abstinence, which in turn leads to more teen pregnancies and abortions. And so on...

What disgusts me about this, is when they truly have good intentions but at the same time are dishearteningly delusional and misguided. While smiling and reassuring, they can put people through hell, with a completely clear conscience and convinced that they are doing good. I would rather have to deal with intentionally malicious people.

Good intentions are great. But in combination with blind ignorance and/or arrogance, it can be pure evil. Ignorant evil.

Like "Mother Teresa"... withholding painkillers because she thought suffering would bring he patients closer to Christ. "The sick must suffer like Christ on the cross". Deliberately keeping her institutions in horrible conditions, with only stretcher beds and virtually no medical care, while she was making enough money to open several real clinics. (She didn't actually have malicious intent, did she?).

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I sometimes wonder what is
ThePragmatic's picture
"The poor mentally insane
ImFree's picture
Sometimes I wonder if they
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If they remember and are not
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Hitchens had a good reply:
ImFree's picture
Great Hitchen's reply
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
A good example of a do-gooder
ImFree's picture
Oh geez.....after looking at
ImFree's picture
Since Seth has become a
Pitar's picture
It's a questionable form of
ThePragmatic's picture
Here is a good example.
cmallen's picture
Ironic, isn't it? One would
ThePragmatic's picture
That would depend on those
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Thanks for sharing Pragy.
ImFree's picture
Wow….that is sickening!

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