Scary Revelation

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mysticrose's picture
Scary Revelation

The book of revelation tells us about scary stuffs. What if those scary stories about the end of times will happen in the future?
Aren’t atheists scared about it? lol!
I know you don’t believe on it!
I just want to hear your thoughts about the book of revelation

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Brandon Titus's picture
No. I am not frightened by

No. I am not frightened by the Revelations. I am not frightened for two reasons. The first, you already mentioned, I simply do not believe that any of the books in the Bible are accurate, including Revelations.

Second, I just don't think about these things. In my opinion I believe there are far more likely scenarios than anything in Revelations. Just to name a few: nuclear holocaust, planet being hit by an asteroid, or global pandemic. However, I have little power to stop any of these from happening so I don't live my life being frightened of them.

The Norse Story of Ragnarok is pretty frightening if it were to come true, but I doubt that you are scared of Ragnarok.

Anser's picture
" I believe there are far

" I believe there are far more likely scenarios than anything in Revelations. Just to name a few: nuclear holocaust, planet being hit by an asteroid, or global pandemic."

Actually, remove the gods and angels and that's a pretty good synopsis of the Book of Revelations.

Brandon Titus's picture
It has been a while since I

It has been a while since I have read the Book of Revelations, but that is probably true. The point does still stand though, you can't live your life frightened of things that could happen, especially things that you have little to no power to stop.

Anser's picture
I agree.

I agree.
Living life in fear is not living at all.

Nutmeg's picture
It's just part of the bribe

It's just part of the bribe 'em and scare 'em technique. Promise them stuff you don't have to deliver and threaten them with stuff you know won't happen.

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