Is science more dangerous than religion?

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Ilovequestions's picture
Is science more dangerous than religion?

Hey peoples :) I haven't posted in awhile since I've been busy, but I've missed y'all haha. You all are probably like "oh great, ILQ is back... go away..." :) But anyways, here's an observation I've made. Tell me what you think:

Science is more dangerous than religion.

Atrocious things have been done in the name of both science and religion. From genocide to cruel experiments (the Nazis were the worst), humans just have no end to how evil they can be.

But the thing that takes the cake is the atomic bomb. Religion ruled the world for thousands of years, and humanity as a whole was always safe. Science has somewhat overtaken religion for only a few hundred years... and it's already produced things that can wipe out the human race.

So I know that atheists are the champions of scientific advancement and all that... but if we stayed backwards and illiterate (like the good ole' Christian days), humanity would at least be safer.

Science has given us the weapon that could end it all. Science is more dangerous than religion because religion was never going to lead to something that could wipe out life on earth. Religions want people alive to worship whatever individual/several god(s) they believe in.

One part of science is about improving technology... and we sure did improve on swords and catapults :)

What do you think? Agree? Disagree?

P.S. I enjoy my Internet as much as the next person. I love technology :) But science definitely has a darker side that I don't often hear atheists talk about. But I always manage to hear the horrors of religion from y'all :) Fair is fair haha

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ThePragmatic's picture
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks Pragmatic :) I always
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Atrocious things have been
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Ilovequestions's picture
Wow Blasphemy... I didn't
ThePragmatic's picture
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Um...erm...debate room. We
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llvequestion--I haven't seen
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Ilovequestions - "Atrocious
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There's not one single thing
psgamer92's picture
Hello ilovequestions.
Kataclismic's picture
Fascinating opinion piece
Travis Hedglin's picture
Good point, and anyone who
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Yep and how about the
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well about science and
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The debate on whether science

The debate on whether science is more dangerous than religion is complex, as both have the potential for immense benefit or harm depending on their application. To explore this topic deeply, using a top essay writing service can help gather reliable research and present balanced arguments, highlighting how both science and religion have shaped humanity's progress and challenges throughout history.

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