Scientific evidence of God by an atheist (mankind is one likely type)

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ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Scientific evidence of God by an atheist (mankind is one likely type)

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Alternatively, see video:

Original article:


[Source Code] Naive Approximation/Basis of God:









I had tweeted to Sam Harris (an atheist neuroscientist), notifying him of my ATHEISTIC nature, WHILST stipulating of his closed mindedness (I had used expletives) - in NOT recognizing the likely hood of non-omniscient Gods, (on scientific observation).

A few weeks after said tweet, Sam conceded of the serious possibility, that mankind shall likely compose a type of 'God' in this video here:

SEE video section "14:08".


I have not any certainty, whether I had influenced his video, but I had tweeted him the article stipulated in the original post.
Here is the article once more:


Albeit, not all beings are as reasonable as Sam Harris, or other scientists, which is quite disappointing.

Albeit, it is quite likely, that Gods are on the horizon



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I am not omniscient.
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@ ProgrammingGodJordan
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@ ProgrammingGodJordan
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Such is your error.
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@ ProgrammingGodJordan
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@ ProgrammingGodJordan
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@ ProgrammingGodJordan
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I see we have gained ever
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It seems you have failed to


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