"Shithole nations"!

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mykcob4's picture
"Shithole nations"!

Over time on this forum, I have been admonished for my language. I like to say "fuck that' and other choice words. Interestingly, The ones that attempt to edit my speech (never successfully) get mad because I use these choice words about their hero Trump. They tell me that I can't talk about "the president" that way. A president that has mocked and made fun of a physically challenged person, that calls women "dog face" and other nasty names, a man that denigrated a POW war hero and a Goldstar family, a person that spews racism, sexism, hate, Islamaphobia and other racial remarks.
They glorify and venerate this foul-mouthed asshole and call me out for my abusive language.
That my friends is classical hypocrisy!
Now it is not that I want to edit Trump's speech. It is that HIS speech is pure hate and prejudice. Whereas MY speech is just shock and blatant. I don't single out a particular race sex or nationality and spew hate. There IS a difference!
So Trump is a baldfaced liar AND a raving racist, yet that is okay with these Trumpers, but MY speech about him is somehow "unacceptable"!
Yeah right!
Some have even claimed that Trump is highly ethical and moral and in the very same sentence claimed that atheists cannot be moral. Well, the fact is if you gauge the average atheist's behavior against Trump's behavior, it's clear that the average atheist is far more moral. And it wouldn't take much because Trump lacks any moral compass at all.

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I must admit I though that
carolelaine's picture
Well, the beer has improved,
watchman's picture
Just caught a news broadcast.
Randomhero1982's picture
To be fair, there are some
bigbill's picture
Tell me how can you speak for
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
mykcob4's picture
Okay, asshole (AG) I'll match
chimp3's picture
Trump thinks Africa is a
mykcob4's picture
The only thing wrong with
Aposteriori unum's picture
The irony of what you just
Sheldon's picture
He wasn't "speaking for the
Sky Pilot's picture
This is a complex issue.
algebe's picture
@RandomHero: To be fair,
Randomhero1982's picture
Of course the Vatican will be
Cronus's picture
Don't blame me - I didn't
Randomhero1982's picture
No, but it would be funny to
Cognostic's picture
Um..... Send us pictures of
ZeffD's picture
The good news: he's over
fishy1's picture
Why are talking about Trump
CyberLN's picture
There are not shithole
MCDennis's picture
The Idiot in Chief is an
Sky Pilot's picture
Someone projected the word

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