Southern Poverty Law Center

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CyberLN's picture
Southern Poverty Law Center

I find it just heartbreaking and antithetical that the Southern Poverty Law Center has accused the ex-Muslim atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Muslim reformer Maajid Nawaz of “anti-Muslim extremism".

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a pretty

Ali is a pretty radical neocon; so I'm not surprised.

CyberLN's picture
Perhaps this is my bias

Perhaps this is my bias talking here....I find what she has to say, the discourse, completely sensible, necessary, and healthy. So that she is considered radical seems to me, quite desirable.

chimp3's picture
I have respected the SPLC for

I have respected the SPLC for a long time. In this situation it would have been more productive for them to criticise the practice of female genital mutilation and forced marriage. Ali is a hero to me.

CyberLN's picture
A hero of mine as well, Chimp

A hero of mine as well, Chimp.

ThePragmatic's picture
Hmm, I got kind of confused

Hmm, I got kind of confused when reading on their website:

"A shocking number of anti-Muslim, self-described “experts” are seen regularly in the media, where they spread falsehoods that too often go uncontested. Their rhetoric has toxic consequences, from promoting xenophobia, to poisoning democratic debate, to inspiring hate violence."

For a moment I thought I was reading about Trump's presidential campaign and his incessant catering to the Evangelical Cristians...

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