Please help me find potential natural causes for the following event.
Location: Basement of a duplex
Location Description: Cement floor and walls. Wood beam ceiling. One door leading to stairway. One window
Scenario: The door is closed but has a 1 inch gap at the bottom. The window is closed. Temperature outside is a standard summer sunny day. There is a bicycle on a stand. The front wheel starts rocking ever so gently back and forth until it gathers enough energy to make a full cycle and spins continuously nonstop. I stop it. With seconds the event repeats.
I put my hand at the bottom of the door to see if there is a breeze entering but sense nothing. I check the window for air gaps but find none.
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A likely cause is that this is a situation that you invented.
True but incorrect for this event. It is a real event. I think there could be possible natural explanations but not sure what they could be.
"I think there could be possible natural explanations but not sure what they could be."
No, we can be as certain as objective reality allows that natural explanations are possible. All the explanations we have for everything we understand are natural. We have no objective evidence for anything but natural explanations.
What you're implying here is called an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy. Or that not knowing the explanation for something justifies asserting a supernatural or non-natural explanation.
"not sure what they could be."
Then that's all you can assert, anything more is an appeal too ignorance fallacy.
I will not assert any argument in favor of the supernatural if we ourselves can't find the natural causes. It will simply remain as unknown natural causes. I do believe that if I had access to some great scientists that they might offer more info than I can find here.
I'm just looking for potential natural causes and take the research from there.
" I do believe that if I had access to some great scientists that they might offer more info than I can find here."
I agree, but then this isn't a scientific site. Sounds like gravity to me, all wheels have a metal valve at one point in the rim, making that part of the wheel heavier, it wouldn't need much of an incline for the wheel to start spinning, especially as the spindle contains roller bearings with very low resistance.
Ultimately there isn't enough information to give an informed explanation.
"Ultimately there isn't enough information to give an informed explanation."
Totally agree.
This isn't a scientific site, but all together we are making progress. Your gravity, valve and roller bearings input can be components of extreme importance. Everyone's input is helpful
An underground power line is underneath the wheel. One line is unbalanced and the induction it has created has interacted with the wheel and the magnetic forces are applying a torque to the wheel.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
@David Re: Electrical current/induction
Wow! Now THAT would be a cool explanation.... *big grin*... Science is fun!
Tin-Man, as a certified electrician and also well versed in trouble-shooting, this is not some mystery of magic.
Because the bicycle was on a stand, I must assume it was a high performance wheel with low friction bearings and brakes tuned not to drag unless activated. And even if the wheel was carbon fiber, the valve stem would be of ferrous material, subject to the forces of magnetism.
IMO it was laundry day for the neighbors, and the clothes drier draws a lot of current.
That would be the first thing I would examine while trouble-shooting.
@David Re: "Tin-Man, as a certified electrician and also well versed in trouble-shooting, this is not some mystery of magic."
Oh, no doubt about that! Oddly enough, I actually have an Associates Degree in electronics, albeit from many decades ago and never really put into much practical use. Even so, I am quite familiar with how induction works, and it was always one of my favorite subjects in that field. Always fascinated me how just a few coils of wire and an electric current can cause mechanical motion... *grin*... I just found it interesting/amusing that you were thinking electric current, while I was considering heat differentials.... *chuckle*...
Thanks David
I would have never thought of that on my own
Perhaps the wheel is angled slightly or is uneven or has a force exerting on it, or perhaps the temperature of the wheel plays a part.
I've certainly experienced eerie things such as that and not being able to ascertain the cause.
Sapporo. Do you know more about the temperature theory? That has not crossed my mind.
The only thing I have now checked on temperature is that heat can affect the motion of molecules and atoms. I am not a scientist so my question might seem ignorant but is it possible for molecules and atoms to have caused this on their own or perhaps even conjoined with other natural causes to create this motion?
Two different materials could expand or contract to varying degrees, or alternatively, the wheel could have been turned by different sections of the wheel being at different temperatures.
It is also possible that the wheel was turned by a difference in air pressure in two parts of the room (i.e. by wind, essentially).
Air pressure, temperature, materials, expansion, contraction....yes I like where you're going with that.
"I've certainly experienced eerie things such as that and not being able to ascertain the cause."
Would you like to share any? Many here have already shown their enthusiasm to science and natural causes. As Tin-man said "Science is fun"
It might be beneficial to start a new thread on this tangent.
Most commonly, say once a week or more, I will think of a thing/person etc. that is not especially common and at essentially the same time, that thing will appear in some other context that is independent from my own thoughts and actions (e.g. whether on TV or in my immediate environment). Some such incidents strike me as especially peculiar (i.e. rarer, unlikely) than others, which can be especially eerie. Others happen so frequently that I probably do not even register the coincidence in my mind, but which after a lifetime of experience, I see the seemingly uncommon incidents as no more significant than the mundane ones, except in terms of varying degrees of perceived probability.
Another such manifestation is with deja vu.
I'm certain I have had other eerie experiences of other kinds, but I cannot readily think of them at the moment (perhaps it is nonsensical therefore for me to say I'm certain).
How close is the wheel to the window? Does any amount of sunlight hit the wheel at any time? Potentially, difference in temperature on one section of the tire could cause a slight imbalance that might end up amplifying over a period of time enough so to cause the wheel to spin. Just a thought.
Now that you mention that I can say that the bicycle was in the center of the room with no obstacles obstructing the sunlight hitting the wheel. I am now wondering if the state of the air in the wheel had any part to this as well.
Easy way to test the heat imbalace hypothesis. Simply get an infrared or thermal imaging camera/monitor and use it to look at the wheel as it starts to move. Any temarature differences on the wheel would show up like a neon sign. Mystery potentially solved.
Not a bad idea Tin-man if i can say so myself. I will look into that.
That merits one party bash for Tin people only. That's going to be a bang or clang or oh well it's going to be noisy.
I take it the point you are trying to make is that because something happens that you can't explain, that justifies believing in a made up theory like the god theory.
No it doesn't!
It means that you have to get off your arse and make the effort to find out what's causing it.
You're reading too much in this that is not there. See my response to Sheldon.
I am simply looking for natural causes.
From time to time I am sent videos of certain events or UFO's. As much as it may seem that I want to give them a paranormal definition, so far I have actually debunked every video i was given.
This particular event was not on video but what I saw.
Perhaps you might be aware that science has shown how the 10 plagues in Egypt could occur naturally. That's all I'm looking for also.
@ In Spirit
Don't eat cheese just before bedtime. That will fix the problems.
Old man shouts
Me thinks you want to steal my cheese at night if I don't eat it before
There is an ant trapped in the tire, and he wants out...hamster meet wheel. that's what I call thinking out of the box.
The rotational mass of the wheel is uneven, thus gravitation and wind energy are transferred into the wheel causing your deluded mind to think that god is trying to contact you personally.
We shouldn't disregard the human factor.
1. You feel asleep watching the wheel and dreamed it was moving.
2. You have a neurological condition that caused you to hallucinate.
3. You ingested chemicals that caused you to hallucinate.
4. You are lying for Jesus.