Stupid Big Bang

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A.prophet's picture
Nope... but I know what your

Nope... but I know what your getting at.

I would like to search how the internet is stretched through cables.

See, this subject about how all this has come to be is MASSIVE, we will not end that discussion with 1 or 2 OPs.

Gravity, radiowaves, atoms, existence... I still have a lot to write and many non- knowledgeable people to face.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Moderator: troll removed

Moderator: troll banned(locked)

David Killens's picture


"Please tell me where the American flag is on the moon so I could see it with a telescope?"

You would not be able to. This is because of resolution. Even if the Hubble Space telescope was aimed at the flag on the moon, the resolutions required would be so small it could not be resolved.

arakish's picture
Mo: "I've been taught the Big

Mo: "I've been taught the Big Bang theory since kindergarten, I dunno about you."

I have been studying it longer than you have been alive. Longer than your father has been alive. And I can say one thing with complete authority. You do NOT know what the Big Bang even is except perhaps seven letters and two words.

You my young child, are a complete ignoramus. You know nothing about the Big Bang. Your OP is evidence of that.


Nyarlathotep's picture
Mohamed - I've been taught

Mohamed - I've been taught the Big Bang theory since kindergarten, I dunno about you.

That's funny, I didn't derive the FLRW metric until grad school.

Sky Pilot's picture


However, the first atoms didn't appear until several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, so your theory about two atoms colliding is incorrect."

That is some fuzzy thinking at its finest. If there was a Big Bang or expansion what went "bang" or expanded if there were no atoms involved?

And then there is the statement = "the first atoms didn't appear until several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang". So something happened but it didn't involve any matter. And then after some time matter started popping into existence by magic.

Where do you get the "several hundred thousands of years" from if there was no matter to create time?

BTW, an Earth year is the time it takes for our planet to make one revolution around the Sun. Since the Earth and the Sun did not exist at that time it is impossible to say how long it took for matter to come into existence.

Some silly ancient creation stories make more sense than the Big Bang Theory of creation does. They just claim it was done by magic.

algebe's picture


Do you really think atoms were present at the time of the Big Bang?

Matter was present in the form of quarks, etc. The clock had started.

An Earth year is a convenient way to measure time, even for periods before the Earth existed. What alternative would you suggest, or do you think time began with the formation of our solar system?

We have evidence for the Big Bang in the form of cosmic background radiation and the continuing expansion of the universe. What alternative theory do you have that accounts for these phenomena? I would be fascinated to hear which ancient creation story makes more sense to you than Big Bang cosmology.

A.prophet's picture
With all respect, if you

With all respect, if you would've read what I wrote more carefully, you would realize that I was saying that there was no such thing. There was no explosion. No explosions happen in space because space is made up of 75% hydrogen, the most flammable natural substance known to man.

Even if there atoms were created after the Big Bang by millions of year, fire could not be present freely in space, it would be an inferno.

The expansion is the creation of planetary nebulae from the processes I aslo explained in my writing. Just the creation of planetary nebulae.
If there was an expansion as explained by science, then the constellations should shift and change, but they remain where they are.

I'm not the kind that believes the universe existed 6,000 years ago. Time is complicated and no one really knows its meaning yet.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Mohamed - No explosions

Mohamed - No explosions happen in space because space is made up of 75% hydrogen, the most flammable natural substance known to man.

Hydrogen (and anything else for that matter) can't combust without oxygen. I think that is covered in about the 5th grade here in the US.

arakish's picture
@ Mo

@ Mo

Have you found Larry and Curly yet? You have yet to prove yourself more intelligent than that Mo.

Mo: "With all respect, if you would've read what I wrote more carefully, you would realize that I was saying that there was no such thing. There was no explosion."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," is the common venacular I believe.

Very first sentence of the OP: "In the beginning, cosmologists explained that the universe began from an explosion they called "The Big Bang"."

No cosmologist anywhere has EVER said the Big Bang was an explosion. Since no cosmologist or any other scientist has said such, that means you are the one saying the Big Bang was an explosion. You should really quit with lying. When you do it as much you do, you tend to forget when and where and what lie you have said.

Mo: "No explosions happen in space because space is made up of 75% hydrogen, the most flammable natural substance known to man."

The please tell that to all the novas and supernovas out there. Additionally, space is NOT made up of 75% hydrogen. Hydrogen comprises 75% of all matter within space. Go back to school young child and quit skipping classes.

Mo: "Even if there atoms were created after the Big Bang by millions of year, fire could not be present freely in space, it would be an inferno."

Not unless there was also oxygen. Young child. You do not even know simple chemistry. Again, go back to school and quit skipping classes.

Mo: "The expansion is the creation of planetary nebulae from the processes I aslo explained in my writing. Just the creation of planetary nebulae. If there was an expansion as explained by science, then the constellations should shift and change, but they remain where they are."

Sorry. But you are so miserably ignorant and illiterate aren't you? The expansion did NOT create planetary nebulae. The detonation of the inner layers of the star near it iron core is what created the planetary nebulae, leaving a white hot burning core of iron known as a white dwarf.

The constellations are CONSTANTLY shifting their positions. Have you ever been riding in your dad's car? Ever notice how the clouds on the distant horizon appear to not be moving? In actuality, they are moving. The distance is so great that there movement is not apparent. The same goes for the constellations. How many times am I going to have to say this young child? Stay in school and quit skipping classes.

Mo: "I'm not the kind that believes the universe existed 6,000 years ago. Time is complicated and no one really knows its meaning yet."

I do.


David Killens's picture


"With all respect, if you would've read what I wrote more carefully, you would realize that I was saying that there was no such thing. There was no explosion. No explosions happen in space because space is made up of 75% hydrogen, the most flammable natural substance known to man.

Even if there atoms were created after the Big Bang by millions of year, fire could not be present freely in space, it would be an inferno."

Fire requires three things to happen. It requires heat for ignition, something that is consumed, and an oxidizer. You have postulated a scenario where heat and something consumed (hydrogen) is present, but your statement falls flat because there is no oxidizer.

Sky Pilot's picture


"We have evidence for the Big Bang in the form of cosmic background radiation and the continuing expansion of the universe."

Astronomical objects (planets, stars, galaxies) emit radiation so why can't the background radiation be attributed to them instead of to the mythical Big Bang?

Some ancient people. like the Jesus character, thought that the stars would fall to the Earth. They aren't the best source for how things came to be. The Big Bang crowd is just like them. That is because the theory mirrors the one in Genesis chapter 1.

Sapporo's picture
@Diotrephes it was space that

@Diotrephes it was space that expanded, not matter.

Sky Pilot's picture


"it was space that expanded, not matter."

What is space?

According to some posters matter did not exist until hundreds of thousands of years after the expansion. So what expanded since there was no matter and how did space expand if there was nothing for it to expand into?

A.prophet's picture


Diotrephes is correct .....Eeeeven though I would like to throw punches at you for no reason

CyberLN's picture
what do you mean be “throw

what do you mean be “throw punches”?

A.prophet's picture
Just a figure of speech!

Just a figure of speech!

Even if I wanted to he's somewhere I wont bother to go to.

You're not seriously holding me accountable for a sentence like that... haven't you been following?
rule 1. no trolling

CyberLN's picture
Fascinating! You think it’s

Fascinating! You think it’s inappropriate, Mohamed, for me to ensure you’re not threatening another poster with violence?

Zalabya's picture
I had to register with a

I had to register with a different email to make sure that I was kicked out. It was obvious from the beginning that you were trying to get me to leave, but I didn’t expect such deviousness.

Text and picture removed by mod.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: Fucking inbred

Mohamed: Fucking inbred retards

Are you implying that Muslims are less inbred than non-Muslims?

Tin-Man's picture
It's... it's.... it's a

It's... it's.... it's a meeeeeer-ackle!!!! Our dearly beloved Mohamed has risen from the dead! He has returned to enlighten our unworthy heathen asses with his unbound wisdom and his unconditional love for humanity! And - Lo! - he brings to us news of the afterlife! Heed his words, you vile and detestable godless scum! Glory be unto Mohamed! We are not worthy! Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah....

(Had to drastically edit this post after Mods removed a rather inappropriate bit of Mohamed's resurrection post, thereby causing my original reply to make very little sense. My sincere respects and appreciation to the Mods for the outstanding job they do here on the site.)

arakish's picture
Thanks Mod. I saw it before

Thanks Mod. I saw it before removal and found it comical. But, yeah, it was still quite inappropriate.

Nyar and Cyber, THANKS for all you do. Your job has got to be rough dealing with all of us imbeciles. I just want you to know that I greatly appreciate your hard work. THANK YOU.


arakish's picture
Hey Mo

Hey Mo

Rule # 11. No threats of harm.

And you say Islam is a religion of peace. Another lie. And yes I shall hold you accountable for threatening another AR member.


arakish's picture
See, Islam is a religion of

See, Islam is a religion of violence.


David Killens's picture
and Mohamed proved that.

and Mohamed proved that.

Sapporo's picture


"it was space that expanded, not matter."

What is space?

According to some posters matter did not exist until hundreds of thousands of years after the expansion. So what expanded since there was no matter and how did space expand if there was nothing for it to expand into?

Space is defined by the three spatial dimensions.

You may find this page useful:

LostLocke's picture

"It was space that expanded, not matter."

"So what expanded since there was no matter?"

You literally just asked a question to a reply that was a direct answer to your question....
Reading comprehension is a good thing you know. :D

arakish's picture


Go back to school. And don't skip classes this time around.


A.prophet's picture
"the first atoms didn't

"the first atoms didn't appear until several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang"... that is not my statement

1. About the earth years, the earth rotates around the sun in 354 days calculated by the movement of the moon around the earth. The 365 days is not determined by the movement of the earth around the sun, but through the movement of the earth around the sun compared to a distant star I can't seem to remember it's name. I think Proxima Santori.

2. Nope, silly creation stories do not state it was created by magic. There is a creator. In arabic there is a saying which goes along these lines... For ever action there is an actor.

Sky Pilot's picture


"There is a creator. In arabic there is a saying which goes along these lines... For ever action there is an actor."

The creator is the con man who first comes up with the lie that he sells to his superstitious buddies.


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