The stupidity of Christian theology

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ancient_anti-theist's picture
The stupidity of Christian theology

Christian theories of atonement:

1. Moral Influence Theory: God sent himself to sacrifice himself by killing himself to positively influence humanity.

2. Ransom Theory: God sent himself to sacrifice himself by killing himself to either himself or Satan, whom he created, to ransom us from the sin he created.

3. Christus Victor: God sent himself to sacrifice himself by killing himself to defeat the sin he created.

4. Satisfaction Theory: God sent himself to sacrifice himself to himself to pay himself back for the injustice of sin, which he created, by killing himself.

5. The Penal Substitutionary Theory: God sent himself to sacrifice himself to himself by killing himself to save us from himself.

6. The Governmental Theory: God sent himself to sacrifice himself to himself by killing himself to punish himself for the sin he created, thereby propitiating himself.

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Cognostic's picture
Okay? The title of the room
ancient_anti-theist's picture
Fixed it.
Whitefire13's picture
In my olden’ days this was
dogalmighty's picture
I can not debate these fine
boomer47's picture
ortodont33's picture
LinkedIn automation tools can
SanyaPepega's picture
It's just incredible how
gamerun0's picture
Thank you for sharing. Many
VItor's picture
Looking to venture into

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