Theists get offended by atheism.

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nttnt's picture
Theists get offended by atheism.

A strong theist friend of mine asked me why I do not believe there is a god. I had a long talk with her about evolution and the universe and concluded with, "When all the facts of existence come into view, there really is no need for a god to exist." (She does not approve of my atheism.) She shook her head at me, said that she would pray for my soul, and then walked away as if I had insulted her.

I respect other people's (theist's) beliefs and do not intend to insult anyone, but when asked about my beliefs as an atheist, I am met with harsh ridicule and disapproval. Does this happen to all atheists?

In addition, it is a christian belief to be understanding and caring to everyone "to love thy neighbor as thyself". Apparently the term "neighbor" doesn't apply to atheists.


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beneames's picture
Sorry about your experiences,
nttnt's picture
I suppose it is important for
nttnt's picture
Feel free to express your
Lmale's picture
Yes christian values often
Lmale's picture
Oh they also demand the
nttnt's picture
How dare you suggest I lie
Lehran's picture
Faith is really stupid and I
nttnt's picture
Honestly, I have attempted to
beneames's picture
If someone told me they
Clockwork's picture
My experiences have been
Lmale's picture
I had a look its ludicrous
Clockwork's picture
In one of their FAQs, someone
mysticrose's picture
Sometimes, conversing to
SammyShazaam's picture
Out of respect for myself, I
Mardze's picture
Once I've encountered such
Gryffix's picture
I never had that. But then

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