Is there any good education software?

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Is there any good education software?

I've always learned best through books or online tutorials. I've yet to find any good education software, and was wondering if anyone knew of any.


*correction - oregon trail taught me everyone died of syphalis in the 1800s

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Try scrabble lol
Sir Random's picture
Jeff, you have to do the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
never played the facebook
Sir Random's picture
In the words of Peanut "I've
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Sir Random's picture
Have not yet heard of Jeff
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Sir Random's picture
A-c-phlem, oh come on, you
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I usually leave the puppet
Sir Random's picture
The difference here is that I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I am not from america, so
Sir Random's picture
If I may ask, what country
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Sir Random's picture
Ah, no wonder what you said
mykcob4's picture
Jeff Dunham is an ultra
Sir Random's picture
"Jeff Dunham is an ultra
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Jeff Dunham is an ultra
Nyarlathotep's picture
MIT Open Courseware - http:/
doubleAtheist's picture
Khan academy is always good.
larapeter's picture
I studied at a private school
carlmarx's picture
I am sure that in the
salimakhan888's picture
You know what? Recently I
stewardcampbell's picture
Hello, dear. I wanted to make
Wellst23's picture
Welcome to my post. But one
Hismir1945's picture
Your post is very nice I like


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LionsGate's picture
Hey there, fellow bet


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Vaasku's picture
I see you got some problems
brendagray's picture
There are many educational
Bob44's picture
If you prefer books and
xoxosta's picture
Hello forumers, I think it


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