Is there a point in lashing out at religion?

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arakish's picture
@ rat spit

@ rat spit

You ever think of doing stand-up? You always have me laughing so hard I have to get the fit out before I can reply to you. Just like mailman. Y'all ought to be a team.

***tree staggers off as laughing fit hits again and is so hard to walk and laugh so hard***


rat spit's picture
I’ve been on a lot of forums.

I’ve been on a lot of forums. So far, you Atheists are leading the pack in terms of humour. So it’s easy to make one laugh when they have a sense of humour.

In person .... ahh. Not so much. I’m good with one liners. But I’m the kind of guy who likes to laugh at his own jokes. Usually other people laugh as well. But I joke all the time at work and I’d say I’m batting 60 % success rate. Stand up? Whoa boy. I wouldn’t know how to even start a joke with a beginning, middle and end.

Cognostic's picture
Rat Shit" What if I convert

Rat Shit" What if I convert using an alias and a disguise. I have my drag queen outfit in the closet and a pig nose. I could call myself Christine the Queen, convert, get the popcorn and the tickets, even go to the movie, and then simply vanish.

Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "I have my drag

@Cog Re: "I have my drag queen outfit in the closet and a pig nose."

Aw, fuck no! How many times do we have to tell you? NO PIG NOSE! Could have sworn I trashed that damn thing! Wear the drag queen outfit. Fine. Hell, I'll even be your date. But the pig nose gets TRASHED! Capisce?

rat spit's picture
Look. Lol. I’m giving away

Look. Lol. I’m giving away free tickets, pop corn and drinks to all converts. And everyone is just trying to find a way to get more, more, more. Dammit! One new convert, one movie ticket! If you really want to dress up in drag to fool the system - that’s a personal ethical choice you have to make. So yes. By all means. The Evil One can be fooled from time to time. God help us all if He wasn’t defeatable in a few areas.

Cognostic's picture
Hello, Cog is not here,

Hello, Cog is not here, please leave your name and number at the tone and he will call you back upon his return. Pay no attention to the squealing in the background. I live near a pig farm and my neighbor is making bacon. Beeeeeeeep.

Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Hello, Cog is not here..

Re: "Hello, Cog is not here..."

Aw, shit..... Old Man! Get the nets! Arakish, go grab the "hug myself" jacket! I've got the tranquilizer gun! Everybody else set up a perimeter! With any luck we can keep him contained!.... *locks and loads a round into tranquilizer gun*....

arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man

@ Tin-Man

Ok. Got the hugger. He should be able to handle it once tranked.



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Sapporo's picture
Superstitious beliefs are

Superstitious beliefs are capable of great harm, and thus should be challenged for that reason.

Cognostic's picture

Aaaaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh..... I like tranquilizers..****** OOOOHHH The huggy jacket? Are we visiting the cloudy bouncy room again? Can I take my puppy with me? It's not dead, it's just sleeping. Look (Bouncing the dead dog up and down.) Happy puppy, happy puppy, lovely puppy. soft puppy, pretty puppy, nice soft puppy, really soft puppy. sooooooffffftttt puuuuppppyyyy. HEY GIVE THAT BACK!!!

Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "....

@Cog Re: ".....sooooooffffftttt puuuuppppyyyy. HEY GIVE THAT BACK!!!"

*carrying puppy over to nearest electrical socket*.... Just take it easy already! CHILL!.... I'm just going to plug it in for a bit to recharge the batteries! Sheesh!.... *inserting power cord into connector port on dog's collar*.... *plugging other end into wall socket*... Ya know, if you would take the time to do this every now and then, the dang thing would not look dead all the time!.... *unlocking and opening door to padded room*.... Okay, Arakish, toss him in. But don't take the "hug me" jacket off of him just yet.

Cognostic's picture
*Sitting in the corner

*Sitting in the corner singing (to the Jeopardy theme.) Rocking back and forth....
White, white, white, white.
white, white, white, white,
white, white, white, white.
whiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, white white white

White, white, white, white.
white, white, white, white,
white, white, white, white.
whiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, white white white

White, white, white, white.
white, white, white, white,
white, white, white, white.
whiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, white white white

White, white, white, white.
white, white, white, white,
white, white, white, white.
whiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, white white white

White, white, white, white.
white, white, white, white,
white, white, white, white.
whiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, white white white.....


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