thoughts on mathematical universe and the hard problem of consciosness

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Pentagon GB's picture
"What you are doing is
CyberLN's picture
You seem to think that if
Pentagon GB's picture
"thinking that consciousness
CyberLN's picture
1. You assume that I've not
Pentagon GB's picture
"I don't need to think there
CyberLN's picture
Exactly...but it's not 'mere'
Pentagon GB's picture
it is amazing, but it is also
CyberLN's picture
Pentagon GB's picture
hypothesizing that
CyberLN's picture
"it's so much more
Pentagon GB's picture
"The electrochemical activity
CyberLN's picture
"Do you really believe that
Pentagon GB's picture
I understand what the article
CyberLN's picture
"neural cells are incapable
Pentagon GB's picture
As separate items, yes. In
CyberLN's picture
Wanna bet?
Pentagon GB's picture
haha, yes, I would bet my
DanDare's picture
Rubbish. Its entirely
Pentagon GB's picture
I don't insist the article
DanDare's picture
That is a claim without
Vincezen's picture
Consciousness may be
Pentagon GB's picture
Consciousness may be
DanDare's picture
The whole article is entirely
Pentagon GB's picture
"Brains don't interact with
DanDare's picture
"Brains don't interact with
Pentagon GB's picture
"That provides no support at
CyberLN's picture
Oh, P just adore
Pentagon GB's picture
what are they according to
DanDare's picture
Of course NDEs are real


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