Thoughts on this youtube video??

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Vincent Paul Tran's picture
Thoughts on this youtube video??

I agree with the video that the battle between atheism and religion is a false war. And that most deconstructions attacking religion remove the cray cray but not the whole thing

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Nyarlathotep's picture
If you think calling a spade
Anser's picture
That video has made my day.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I disagree with practically
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
.............. I'd respond,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I apologize for the length
Kataclismic's picture
I find the logic of a church
demik's picture
Personally, I prefer to watch
Tanul's picture
I don't like this platform.
Kreston's picture
I agree with the previous
emmausa's picture
I appreciate what you share
Tonymontana's picture
Indeed, this video shows that
Virgolor's picture
I prefer to watch funny
urfi007's picture
This is exceptionally
TerryIU's picture
I'm impressed by this YouTube
mike92's picture
Having a professionally
Vaasku's picture
For a quick and easy way to

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