A tip for atheists

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J.Rain's picture
A tip for atheists

Stop bringing up the fact that you don’t think There is a God becasue of the evil that exists in the world or that God is cruel, oppressive and vengeful.

If you do not believe in God, then you should have no opinion on his character. Because whether he was good or evil would not determine his existence. God could be evil, so what? Whose to say if there is a God he HAS to be kind?

Furthermore, if we are just a product of random and natural unguided processes, then there is most likely no such thing as objective moral values outside of our own perception and what one might consider “evil” another might consider moral.

So by professing God has abandoned people, is homophobic or likes slaves you claim to know these things are bad, but says who? What’s bad and good? After all we are supposedly just evolved bacteria whoseonly objective is surviving.

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Sapporo's picture
For me, if there is an issue,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Jordan
J.Rain's picture
Who’s to say? What makes your
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Jordan
J.Rain's picture
No I don’t but your obviously
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
toto974's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Talylin
toto974's picture
@Old man shouts...
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Talylyn
toto974's picture
@Old man shouts...
Sheldon's picture
Jordan "Who’s to say? What
David Killens's picture
J.Rain's picture
Whose to say? Where is your
chimp3's picture
I can argue against slavery
J.Rain's picture
Why is it wrong? What proof
CyberLN's picture
Jordon, you wrote, “Stop
J.Rain's picture
Where the proof that slavery
CyberLN's picture
For one thing, I use empathy
Cognostic's picture
@Jordan: This is actually
Cognostic's picture
@Jordan: There is no point
Tin-Man's picture
To whom it may concern:
Bad Santa's picture
J.Rain's picture
You only think these things
Sheldon's picture
1. The argument from evil is
J.Rain's picture
Yes of coarse. But who is to
Sapporo's picture
Jordan: Yes of coarse. But
Sheldon's picture
"Yes of coarse. But who is to
Get off my lawn's picture
@Jordan: "If you do not
Sheldon's picture
@Jordan: "If you do not


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