Turkey is Teaching Students About Evolution for the Last Time

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xenoview's picture
Turkey is Teaching Students About Evolution for the Last Time

When students in Turkey begin school today, it’ll be the last time they hear the words “evolution” or “Darwin” in the classroom. Next year, those words will be eliminated from all textbooks as a more religious regime takes control of what kids learn in school.


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Randomhero1982's picture
Embrace retardation with a
xenoview's picture
It's said religion has gained
algebe's picture
@Xenoview: "I see even darker
cmallen's picture
I was listening a BBC program
Russian-Tank's picture
I just don't get it, have
jonthecatholic's picture
This is just sad.
chimp3's picture
Future Turkish Nobel Prize
curious's picture
In my younger time I was busy
Discere's picture
Funny you should say that,
curious's picture
Turkey has been yessing the
Discere's picture
I teach high school biology
adamscotthi's picture
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