What to do when working with Christians?

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The5thMan's picture
What to do when working with Christians?

Hello all, I have recently started my 1st student placement at an NHS South East London hospital caring for the elderly with mental health issues. The staff on the ward are generally friendly to me but I have felt increasingly uncomfortable and alienated as many of them are openly Christian / 7th Day including my mentor (who has recently returned from a missionary trip abroad) and a co-student who has undermined me (with a 'caring' smile) on more than one occasion – during one particular chat he stated "That's a shame" when I explained that my [long-term] girlfriend and I do not have children (we don't see it that way!). Comments on being tired during my shifts including "You won't be able to get to Church on Sunday" have further increased this feeling. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but can any contributors out there give me any advice. I'm a mature student who comes from a professional background in publishing, and I have a passion for improvement in mental health services.

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