What is your reason for being an atheist?

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SammyShazaam's picture
Dude, we are *so* over that,
Shock of God's picture
Firstly, can you justify your
SammyShazaam's picture
Jesus wasn't all that great
Spewer's picture
Shock of God asserts: "Mind
Shock of God's picture
The absence of evidence is
CyberLN's picture
Question, SoG...would you
happilygodless's picture
So what? You may as well
Alexa Tu's picture
Because to me the bible is
happilygodless's picture
I don't need a reason to be
Richard_Wright's picture
Because I've never been
Soshire's picture
When I was a bit younger so
Phertzog93's picture
I'm glad to say I was not a
Passarino's picture
12 years of Catholic school
H.F.K's picture
And who told you that we don
Hazenscythe's picture
I'm gonna start off by saying
brownidj's picture
Hmmm, It's not that I need a
Mick Tarry's picture
I love the simplicity and the
anurag's picture
I prefer being realistic and
ladadada's picture
If everything in the Genesis
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I used to be a Christian, but
SammyShazaam's picture
Hmm... I'd like to see this
Zaphod's picture
Personally I just think
Writer66's picture
BisexualAtheist's picture
The lack of evidence proving
DocSceince's picture
I think the best way to
Atheist School Girl's picture
For me, personally, I was
Writer66's picture
I'm not sure why people
mrkhaan's picture
Good question, in a sense...
CyberLN's picture
Nicely stated mrkhaan.
freethinker's picture
The reason I became an


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