What is your reason for being an atheist?

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Lmale's picture
Hear hear
Marie Louise Antoinette Sioco's picture
Had an interesting Sunday
Lmale's picture
'We understand your beliefs'
Zadeed Zaman's picture
Because there is no God,all
EP Pharmaceuticals's picture
Scientific proof of evolution
freethinker's picture
did you ever consider that
Lmale's picture
Had a fantasy once that a
Zaphod's picture
Lmale's picture
What makes you think
Jhay Are See's picture
I am also a devout catholic
Lmale's picture
It astounds me how so many
Lmale's picture
I just want to mention a few
RobertDouglas's picture
I distinctly remember it. It
Lmale's picture
That to me constitutes a lie


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