What's wrong with society?

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Béjaoui Khalil's picture
What's wrong with society?

We're the people that read the Newspaper and are never in it, we live in the gaps between the big stories, we're the people that live the daily routine of Coffee, Public Transport, Work and Dinner.
We live in the fear of being afraid to be mad, afraid to be called mad. Are you mad enough? mad enough to wear old fashioned clothes, mad enough not to update your social media accounts, mad enough to miss the next big event on TV?
We live drugged, by the lies we tell ourselves, we spend our time looking for something that doesn't exist, do you think all you need is a House, a Job, a Wife, two Children and a vacation?
Is it just me or is this idea of being born caged inside public sense too scary? Is this sanity? Since when did we become machines with our purpose predecided?
Isn't it simply insane that we've spent hundreds of years fighting Monarchy, Dictatorship and Theocracy... Hundreds of years fighting for our Freedom; to end up jailed by the very cage we created?
What is the true definition of insanity? is it doing what's abnormal? People correct if my logic is wrong here, but have we created a world so fucked up that the only way to feel Free is to be absolutely insane?



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chimp3's picture
Fly your freak flag , Brother
mykcob4's picture
Ah, you have come to grips
ThePragmatic's picture
We are a bunch of apes with
mykcob4's picture
To Prag.
algebe's picture
bigbill's picture
that`s where faith comes in
chimp3's picture
@skepticalchristian: Stop
bigbill's picture
i was just sympathizing with
chimp3's picture
You sound like a robotic
Godlessandfree's picture
I can see what you are saying

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