Which candidate are you voting for for president and why?

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Which candidate are you voting for for president and why?

I'm gonna go bernie if he makes it to the end. He makes socialism sound appealing. Sadly, I despise Trump less than Hilary, so I dont know if I want to vote for the racist or the sychophant

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Nutmeg's picture
Ted Cruz sounds like a good,

Ted Cruz sounds like a good, solid, religious type who would prove popular here.

Orval David Strong's picture
Cruz rejects facts about

Cruz rejects facts about climate change evolution and everything else. His dad is a nut job and he is just like him.

ThePragmatic's picture
I think Nutmeg was being

I think Nutmeg was being sarcastic... :)

doubleAtheist's picture
Bernie, he knows oroblems are

Bernie, he knows oroblems are made by man, not god.

hermitdoc's picture
My first choice is Bill the

My first choice is Bill the Cat.
Second will likely be Sanders.
None of the choices will sit well with me though.


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Orval David Strong's picture
Bernie is the only one making

Bernie is the only one making any sense at all.

hermitdoc's picture
My first choice is Bill the

My first choice is Bill the Cat.
Second will likely be Sanders.
None of the choices will sit well with me though.


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killerbee's picture
I'm not an American so I can

I'm not an American so I can't vote but if I was I'd vote for whoever the Dems candidate is. If Cruz or Rubio win it will be the beginning of a christian surge world wide. These people are crazy.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Bernie, as he will run the

Bernie, as he will run the country on a progressive socialism platform. He will help people, or at least do his very best in trying. Hillary thinks she is entitled to it and is too moderate for me.
I would NEVER vote republican for obvious reasons.

Rick Kavooras's picture
I am stuck, I like Bernie, I

I am stuck, I like Bernie, I think he would be best. I am not convinced though he is electable. I do think Trump would be more entertaining.

Now i guess I will change my avatar again.

DemTex's picture
Hillary is my first choice,

Hillary is my first choice, although she comes with alot of baggage. I don't think Sanders is electable, and all the Republicans are offensive to my core beliefs.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
DemTex, do u have any idea

DemTex, do u have any idea how she would run as an executor though? She changes her mind a lot

chimp3's picture
GaryJohnson . He is the most

GaryJohnson . He is the most viable Libertarian candidate. Libs will get 1-2 % of the vote. At this point it is about advancing an argument not picking a winner.

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