The Whole Relationship With The Lord Thing!

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mykcob4's picture
The Whole Relationship With The Lord Thing!

Living in North Texas I, in my daily life, encounter christians that, well, let us say, are eccentric in their belief. Few if any are "normal" if there is such a thing when it comes to their religion. They "praise GEEBUS" at the drop of a hat. Of course, it is all an act in the same way that gay men adopt a pronounced lisp to advertise their sexuality, the greater the lisp the gayer they are....I guess. Of course, there is no real degree or level of homosexuality but there is a level of christianity.
Christians are inherently tribal in their belief. They harbor prejudices even hatred for anyone or everyone that isn't just like they are. The same type of christian that they are. In my area, this overt display of their christianity has become a claim to a personal relationship with "jesus". Now they ALL claim to have this relationship but never actually can tell you what it is. They speak in platitudes and metaphors like "my life is wonderful now that I have a relationship with jesus. They tell you that YOUR life will change but they never tell you exactly how.
I know people who decided to embark on this "relationship" and I can't detect one real change other than the crazy glassed over stare and the continuous mantra of "I have a relationship with jesus". I've looked at their water bill, still the same, the grass in their yard, still grows about the same rate, their dog, poops in my yard with the same regularity. They still drive too fast and do exactly what they did and how they did it before this "relationship".
I actually think that this professed relationship is actually a show, a scam, an advertisement that says "Here I am, I'm as christian as you, don't shun me, let me continue to play in your reindeer games." Everything seems to be a competition, even how christian you are. The "I have a personal relationship with jesus" is just another competition. It's condescending in nature. Christians aren't satisfied in being condescending to those that aren't christian, they have to find ways to condescend to each other as well. They are saying "I can out christian you! I have a personal relationship with jesus." They sound like they are describing a new girlfriend. Like a nerd that finally got that elusive date with the head cheerleader. You know the story. The nerd thinks he is in love with the cheerleader but what he is in love with is impressing his friends.
We all know that there is no possibility of a "relationship with jesus". Even if there ever was a jesus he has been dead for more than two thousand years. These christians might as well say " I have a personal relationship with my imaginary friend" or " teddybear". It means the same thing. I'm sure there is a psychological explanation to describe this behavior.
Speaking of which (off subject here) You know how some people claim to have a vision of jesus or god, or some famous angel? They never have a vision of an angel or god that they could have never have heard of. Well, it is the same thing as people that claim that the are Nepolean or some other famous historical figure. I have forgotten what it is called but it is a well known mental disease.
So when I hear someone say "I have a personal relationship with jesus" I think "man you have a serious penis envy problem".

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bigbill's picture
As a Roman Catholic living in
Sky Pilot's picture
devout christian,
biggus dickus's picture
I thought you said you did
algebe's picture
@Devout Christian: "So tell
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
Really you get sick of
Jared Alesi's picture
If you're only here to preach
bigbill's picture
YOU have a warped
mykcob4's picture
Wow GEEBUS must work in Rhode
Sheldon's picture
Do you really believe that
Tin-Man's picture
Err, uhh... Did DC honestly
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
Well obliviously you have
mykcob4's picture
You think that I as an
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
I have met people who said
CyberLN's picture
Mick, you are welcome to
mykcob4's picture
@ Mick
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
Mycob4 Thanks for your reply,
Nyarlathotep's picture
MICK - I knew a man who
Tin-Man's picture
To: Nyarlathotep Re: Jesus
mykcob4's picture
algebe's picture
@Mick: "have you been to the
Jared Alesi's picture
Wouldn't Jesus's tomb be in
Sheldon's picture
"Its not up to me to prove
algebe's picture
I once knew a guy who had a
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
I'm not talking about
algebe's picture
@Mick: "Sorry you missed my
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
Right look at all those
CyberLN's picture
That is hysterically funny!
algebe's picture
@Mick: "Look at the sun"
Jared Alesi's picture
Actually the distance from
Tin-Man's picture
Howdy, Mick. Pleasure to make


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