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David Killens's picture
And you are still attempting
Jack6's picture
David Killens's picture
@ quip
Jack6's picture
David Killens's picture
@ quip
Sheldon's picture
"And that is a conclusion
Jack6's picture
Sheldon's picture
Just how many times must
Jack6's picture
Sheldon's picture
arakish's picture
Sorry for interrupting David.
Tin-Man's picture
Sooooo.... In trying to wrap
Jack6's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Squidling
Tin-Man's picture
WHOA!!!... *shaking head
Sheldon's picture
Another subjective claim.
Jack6's picture
Sheldon's picture
It's astounding isn't it,
Jack6's picture
David Killens's picture
So if I close my eyes you
Sheldon's picture
"We (life in general) are
David Killens's picture
This is just a spin on the
Jack6's picture
David Killens's picture
@ quip
Sheldon's picture
For clarity I said quip's
Sapporo's picture
“To the dumb question "Why me
Jack6's picture
arakish's picture
Hey, quip!
arakish's picture
Well, I see satirical wiseass
William47's picture
Why do I exist? Here are


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