
366 posts / 0 new
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Tin-Man's picture
@quip Re: "I'll keep my
Anonymous's picture
Tin-Man, your edit is really
Cognostic's picture
Quip: "I was an atheist for
Jack6's picture
Atheism, in and of itself
Cognostic's picture
Quip: Can you answer the
Jack6's picture
More than likely
LogicFTW's picture
Jack6's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Are you familiar with the
LogicFTW's picture
Jack6's picture
I understand and no need to
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
LogicFTW: "Sugar makes
xenoview's picture
Jack6's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Yeah, using a saw to make
Sheldon's picture
I disagree, there is nothing
Sapporo's picture
quip: @LogicFTW.
Jack6's picture
Why place limits upon
arakish's picture
Not sad, realistic. rmfr
Sapporo's picture
quip: Why place limits upon
Sheldon's picture
No one is placing limits on
Sheldon's picture
Show one post by one atheists
Sheldon's picture
Good post.
LogicFTW's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Cognostic's picture
Sheldon: A man with all his
SeniorCitizen007's picture
Many people discover a lot
Randomhero1982's picture
algebe's picture
@Quip: Why do you exist in


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