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How is what matters. Why is subjective.
"Why" can be subjective...it can alternately precede the matter's of "how".
Now opinions on the other hand.....
How can why be objective?
Environmental observation....as in: why is the sky blue?
That is a how question. Your OP is in the why camp. Stay focused.
To further what chimp3 said, it is more correct to ask, "How is sky seen as blue?" A phenomenon known as Rayleigh Scattering. Look it up.
@ quip
"why is the sky blue?"
Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere scatters the blue light. There is a scientific and specific explanation for this phenomenon. it has been studied, and able to be tested.
Of course...but somewhere down the line someone had to of asked "WHY?". Or do you believe the sciences exist a priori? ; -)
Do you know what "science" means? It can not exist "a-priori." That makes no sense at all. Science is not a thing. It is a method of inquiry. It is an "activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." There is nothing a-priori about it. An a-priori: self-evident propositions. Science is not a proposition.
@cognostic RE: the little winky emoticon
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
Apologies Quip! I am not up on my Emoticons and missed it. We are in complete agreement. You would think I would be able to spot the irony in a post..... apparently I am a whole lot more gullible than I think I am. Or could it be just the fact that we all have an off day now and again? I am trying to rescue my ego.
At least I am not a Tin Man. (Whew.... now I feel better. )
No problem.
Happens to the best.
Have a good rest of the day!
@Cog Re: "At least I am not a Tin Man. (Whew.... now I feel better. )"
Glad I could help. Now my life has true meaning..... *look of startled realization*..... HEY! Now I know MY answer to the OP's question of, "Why?".... *enthusiastically patting Cog on back* You helped me discover WHY the universe put me here! You are awesome, dude!.... *merrily skips away while whistling a happy tune*.....
Blushing quietly.......... "glad to help."
I've no esoteric truths to endow you with....in fact I've seeked those myself...to no avail. Seems your existential propensities tend to presume and generate themselves sans any pathetic attempts from the likes of me.
@ quip "'I've no esoteric truths to endow you with."
That's what I said. At least you are catching on. Not only are you incapable of asking questions properly as evidenced by your posts, you seem to also have difficulty with English sentences. English is not your first language is it? Perhaps someone here can give you some tips on how to construct sentences. SVO
"I've no esoteric truths to endow you with."
Thanks for the heads up, but your OP established that from the very first.
Maybe you have seeked (sic) knowledge via a specious logical fallacy masquerading as a profound question. The past tense of seek is sought, by the way.
Why not?!
But lets go down the rabbit hole, a lot of the presumptions also lean heavily on the thought that humans have any intrinsic value/worth, furthermore, that there should be some reason for our presence as a species.
Why should there be?
I would put it to you that 'IF' there is a reason, then there will be more likely a naturalistic explanation rather then the position of an argument from ones incredulity.
(Never Mind!)
Lots of "why's" in your post Watchmaker....kinda hard to avoid them.
To the latter paragraph.....uh ok! I've no truck with that...thus, why (there it is again!) do you guys insist on the idea of meaning having no meaning?
Old school fellas. You're in drastic in need of a paradigm change.
"why (there it is again!) do you guys insist on the idea of meaning having no meaning?"
Wow, a tautological fallacious round robin encompassing a falsehood. Who is "you guys", and where have they "insisted meaning has no meaning"? It's a risible and irrational tautology, but what are you defining as meaning here, and how does it have meaning? Simply calling something meaning doesn't endow it with meaning. What evidence can you demonstrate to support your assertion / assumption?
"Old school fellas. You're in drastic in need of a paradigm change."
Well your assertions have nothing new that's for sure, so in that sense yes it is old school. The second sentence is another of your sweeping unevidenced assertions, and the correct response is of course "now we don't" Hitchens's razor applied.
How do you define meaning? Where is the beginning of a circle?
@ quip
Your "why" question presupposes a transcendental cause.
I reject your presupposition as lacking proof. Until you can prove that presupposition (without pleading) then your argument is a fail.
My question simply presupposes the human predisposition for discovery ...per the spirit of the sciences.
"My question simply presupposes the human predisposition for discovery ...per the spirit of the sciences."
Science doesn't presuppose, and your question absolutely did presuppose there is a reason for the origin of life. Sticking a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn't make it rational enquiry.
Why are unicorns so jittery during a full moon? Please don't just ignore the question, and bury your head in the sand.
One does not have to presuppose human curiosity. It has been observed, and is verifiable and testable. There is no mystery to that quality.
You are adding layers of bullshit to simple things, when they are not needed.
Causality only meaningfully exists within systems of defined properties.
Love, compassion, hope..etc. are not meaningful for you?
@ quip
"Love, compassion, hope..etc. are not meaningful for you?"
Those qualities are very important to me. Very, very important, nay, critical to my makeup as a human being.
But for each of those qualities, they are directed towards something very real and proven to exist. I love my wife dearly. She is real, not an imaginary construct. The same goes with compassion, I feel for abused children, they are not imaginary and the horrors they suffered are very real and painful to them. And with hope, my hopes are very real. I hope for an end to child abuse,I hope for an end to injustice, I hope for an end to starvation.
You and I are not much different quip. We have lives, we have loved ones, we have hope, pride, we share and enjoy many qualities. I am sure that you enjoy beautiful things, such as I do. But the major difference between you and I is that all of my attention and focus is directed towards what is proven real, and not imaginary.