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chimp3's picture
How is what matters. Why is
Jack6's picture
"Why" can be subjective...it
chimp3's picture
How can why be objective?
Jack6's picture
Environmental observation...
chimp3's picture
That is a how question. Your
arakish's picture
quip: "Environmental
David Killens's picture
@ quip
Jack6's picture
Of course...but somewhere
Cognostic's picture
Do you know what "science"
Jack6's picture
@cognostic RE: the little
Cognostic's picture
Apologies Quip! I am not up
Jack6's picture
No problem.
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "At least I am not
Cognostic's picture
Blushing quietly..........
Jack6's picture
I've no esoteric truths to
Cognostic's picture
@ quip "'I've no esoteric
Sheldon's picture
"I've no esoteric truths to
Sheldon's picture
Maybe you have seeked (sic)
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Likewise, I've a "why" to ask
Cognostic's picture
Frankly, we would expect
Jack6's picture
Lots of "why's" in your post
Sheldon's picture
"why (there it is again!) do
Sapporo's picture
Lots of "why's" in your post
David Killens's picture
@ quip
Jack6's picture
My question simply
Sheldon's picture
"My question simply
David Killens's picture
One does not have to
Sapporo's picture
quip: My question simply
Jack6's picture
Love, compassion, hope..etc.
David Killens's picture
@ quip


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