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Sapporo's picture
How does nature determine and
Jack6's picture
Potential significance - not
Sapporo's picture
Potential significance - not
Cognostic's picture
The question "WHY?" is not
Jack6's picture
The asking of WHY to myself,
Sheldon's picture
"The asking of WHY to myself,
Cognostic's picture
I'll just second what Sheldon
arakish's picture
Would that something similar
Jack6's picture
How ever could you ever come
Sapporo's picture
Jack6's picture
Must everything of value be
Sheldon's picture
Not enough information to
Jack6's picture
Ask Sapp. She broached the
Sapporo's picture
quip: Must everything of
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Jack6's picture
Well, echo chambers get
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Quip
Jack6's picture
Ahhh. The wonderminds of the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Quip
arakish's picture
For the ultimate answer to
Jack6's picture
Meh. Just one of many.....
arakish's picture
42 rmfr
Sapporo's picture
Is zen a fan of me?
Jack6's picture
arakish's picture
You a fan of zen?
Jack6's picture
Everything...which includes
arakish's picture
Instead of asking completely
chimp3's picture
My mom fucked my dad. One
Jack6's picture
Seems you got it covered.
Sheldon's picture
That's a how rather than why.


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