Why are you an atheist?

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JSims3427's picture
Why are you an atheist?

Why are you guys atheist and why don't you believe or refuse to believe in God?

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CyberLN's picture
Why am I an atheist? Because
algebe's picture
@Jared S
watchman's picture
@Jared S....
chimp3's picture
@JaredS : Refusal? Do you
Alembé's picture
There is no valid evidence to
Kataclismic's picture
Why are you a Christian and
RebelliousPearl's picture
An omnipotent creator might
JSims3427's picture
Okay, i can see where your're
ZeffD's picture
Which god....http://www
curtisabass's picture
Kataclismic's picture
curtisabass's picture
I guess that's why it appeals
xDISTOx's picture
To believe that God exist
miracleman12's picture
@xDISTOx Nice claim: "science
JSims3427's picture
My thoughts on this subject
algebe's picture
@Jared S
nameuser's picture
Go watch some video
xDISTOx's picture
nameuser's picture
I was raised Christian and
Pitar's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
A new born baby has no
Extinction of religion's picture
We didnt choose to be an
mykcob4's picture
Stupid question, but what can
JSims3427's picture
wow, okay
Seenyab4's picture
Forgive Mykob, he is one of
JSims3427's picture
wow, okay
CrustySceptic's picture
Why? Because I value
an_order_of_magnitude's picture
Regardless of the truth of
MCDennis's picture
I don't really understand the

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