Why do atheists feel that they are certain that there is no God?

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man
David Killens's picture
@ cranky47
boomer47's picture
@ David
Cognostic's picture
@I still have a niggle..
Calilasseia's picture
This is an essential point I
Calilasseia's picture
Meanwhile, did the OP return
CyberLN's picture
Drive by...


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Sir Random's picture
To "know" is to claim a leap
spiritmessenger05's picture
Satan has blinded the eyes of
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ spiritedone05
Sir Random's picture
The eyes deceive just as much
Calilasseia's picture
This tiresome resort to a
Sheldon's picture
spiritedone05 "Satan has
servantofAllah3's picture
I agree.
Sheldon's picture
With what? I asked a question
boomer47's picture
@Sir Random
Calilasseia's picture
But of course, other


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