Why I believe in God

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Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
Why I believe in God

I believe in God because there is no limit to our universe. Our universe came from nothing. Our universe coming from nothing means there are no limits to how intelligent beings can be. Scientists can say the universe came from something but that would be after the fact that it came from nothing. As the universe came from nothing, that means there are no limits. God can be beyond omnipotent.

I have experienced God, she is awesome. When you experience her, you truly feel how infinite the universe is. It is impossible to cease to exist like atheist think happens when you die. It simply is better to live than to cease to exist. So there is no such thing as death, just life to life. We get to experience God each day as the universe is God.

Having experienced God is the biggest reason I believe in God.

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algebe's picture
@Slipknot129: "Our universe
chimp3's picture
@slipknot: Why should I
Pitar's picture
The conventional wisdom of
SBMontero's picture
@slipknot0129: No, you


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Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
I have experienced God, so I
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Guys Slipknot is an atheist
TheScientist's picture
Aren't you the troll?
Travis Alvin Brummett's picture
I don't troll, I just know

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