Why Westboro Babtist Chruch Matters
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Thank you for the apology, I would like to put this behind us, and move back to having productive conversations. I acted poorly, on my part, and I freely admit this. Though I find it funny that no one thought to simply ask Chimp in the first place, in hindsight it seems like we could have avoided a lot by simply asking. So for my role in this I say, my bad.
"Though I find it funny that no one thought to simply ask Chimp in the first place, in hindsight it seems like we could have avoided a lot by simply asking."
Indeed. It seems like we are all losing our damn minds today(yes, I'm joking)
Now, enough of the poetic crap. This is a debate room, not poetry class! :)
I am with Socrates in the desire to banish all the poets ;) Ok I will stop going off topic now, I hear the OP can get a real stick up his ass for such behaivor.
Thank you for the clarification. Had I been mistaken on my part, I would appreaciate you telling me.
I tell you what, AL. If CyberLN(the mod) tells me to stop posting here, I will. Well, is there anything that warrents me being prevented from posting here, CyberLN?
Post if you have something to offer, if it is only to provoke me then you are better off going somewhere else, because I will just ignore you in that case.
And the discussion be like:
Attach Image/Video?:
Holy shit, I'm still laughing my ass off(I blame the vodka: never debate while intoxicated)
That is hilarious, XD I am stealing that!
Sure, I stole it myself :D