Why Westboro Babtist Chruch Matters

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Deforres's picture
It is a metaphor, which
AlphaLogica157's picture
No, see the DEFINITION of
Deforres's picture
Its not a false equivalence.
AlphaLogica157's picture
Deforres's picture
The definition you used for
Deforres's picture
Since you like your
Deforres's picture
" Saying we need assholes
Nyarlathotep's picture
AlphaLogica - "To say that
Deforres's picture
Why is it he gets ticked off
Nyarlathotep's picture
He probably means false
mykcob4's picture
If anyone wants to see how
AlphaLogica157's picture
Could you give an example? I
charvakheresy's picture
@ AlphaLogica - The direction
AlphaLogica157's picture
Thank you for your response,
charvakheresy's picture
I want to ask what you meant
AlphaLogica157's picture
Thank you for the
CyberLN's picture
Have had a chuckle over this
chimp3's picture
Irony is not always free!
AlphaLogica157's picture
I said that because they are
Deforres's picture
Here's something twords the
AlphaLogica157's picture
I provided the definition as
Deforres's picture
Is the definition I used not
AlphaLogica157's picture
" Saying we need assholes
Deforres's picture
1: Saying that A and B are
AlphaLogica157's picture
But that is not what Chimp
Deforres's picture
Having the word equivalent in
AlphaLogica157's picture
Fine whatever, i do not care
Deforres's picture
How is that derailing the
chimp3's picture
I meant to assert an
Deforres's picture
In light of that, I rest my


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