A world without religion

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algebe's picture
A world without religion

A claim was made in a recent thread that atheists believe the eradication of all relgions would result in a utopian world. It was also suggested that the destruction of religion would create a vacuum that would be filled by something even worse.

So I'd like to propose a debate on what the world will be like when religion is finally gone (I see that as a certainty), and perhaps how we want it to be.

We could also talk about what the world might have been like if the world had recoiled in horror after the Crusades and rejected religion several hundred years ago.

I think that without religion (and the afterlife fantasy), people will start to place a higher value on this life and this world. In addition, all of the money and minds squandered on religious nonsense could be channeled into more productive enterprises, such as the eradication of poverty. There would certaintly be a big new source of educated minds and talent when the religions that ban education for girls are finally flushed down the sewer of history. I see rapid progress in many fields, including science, technology, medicine, and international relations.

And I hope, perhaps fondly, that once all the priests have gone, we can then turn our attention to the politicians.

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Sir Random's picture
"attention to the politicians
algebe's picture
Who takes your money, tries
Seenyab4's picture
It's funny how much
algebe's picture
And sometimes there's an
CyberLN's picture
I think a lot of it is borne
Sir Random's picture
Darvit, people!
Dave Matson's picture
The other great evils are
chimp3's picture
Putting aside politics and
charvakheresy's picture
It is impossible to achieve a
CyberLN's picture
I see two things that might
mykcob4's picture
I see no seed change in
algebe's picture
The two biggest religious
Harry33Truman's picture
Getting rid of religion won't
Sir Random's picture
You may be right, but the
algebe's picture
So because there are other
Dave Matson's picture
mykcob4's picture
You are confusing tyranny for
algebe's picture
Here's an example of an
watchman's picture
My hope for a world liberated
jdrose's picture
So long as a world without
Sir Random's picture
Sure. Just take out 1, 5, and
watchman's picture
@BS .... (how very

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