site locking up.

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rwreeves's picture
site locking up.

I am running IE 11 and am finding that this site is locking up on me frequently. I have to kill the process in Widows and lose anything I may have been working on to post. I never had any other site do this. Sometimes it happens just sitting open with nothing going on.

Any IE settings I need to know about?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Unfortunately, this website
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, what happened this
Hadmin's picture
The site was being updated.
Tin-Man's picture
Hadmin's picture
Hello, I have removed a
joncortez's picture
Thanks for this topic! We
u567ghw's picture
To play Rocket Soccer Derby
bredd123's picture
Your article has left a good
arenawheel's picture
I think this problem is due
fethiye's picture
fethiye things to do appeal
jerrys8697's picture
Hello, I have removed a
JHONE32's picture
Hello, I have removed a
lamewfh543's picture
I think this problem is due

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