
Spanish Archbishop Apologizes for Sexy Music Video Filmed in Cathedral

On the afternoon of October 8, Friday, the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toledo in Spain released an apology for the “improper use of a sacred place.” The statement released by the archdiocese on behalf of Archbishop Francisco Cerro Chaves responds to a music video shot in the 13th century Toledo Cathedral.

New Report: Top Christian Facebook Pages Controlled by Foreign Trolls

The MIT Technology Review obtained a Facebook internal data-research report in 2019. According to the report from 2019 running up to 2020, the top pages that create content for Christian and African American audiences were run by troll farms. The separate pages creating different ranges were managed by the same troll farms based in Kosovo and Macedonia.

American Pastor Claims Jesus Will Return Faster if People Donate More

Less than a month after Jesse Duplantis lied about giving out generators during Hurricane Ida, the notorious pastor is in hot water again. In one of the episodes of a 4-day Victorython, Duplantis claimed that Jesus had not returned yet, because people were not donating enough. “Jesus hasn’t come because people are not giving the way God told them to give,” he said.
