The Council of Europe (COE) pulled out ads for a campaign aimed at countering discrimination against European Muslim women who chose to wear head coverings. The Council of Europe is an inter-governmental human rights group with 47 member states. CoE also took down its Twitter post related to the campaign.
In September, Zebulon Simentov, a man who claimed to be the last Jew in Afghanistan, left the country. He claimed that he was the remainder of a centuries-old community and charged reporters who wished to interview him. The Associated Press (AP) reported that Simentov might not be the last Jew in Afghanistan.
The Associated Press and other news organizations obtained copies of redacted documents presented by the former Facebook data scientist. These were the same documents presented to the United States Senate subcommittee hearing.
Quran Majeed, a popular Quran app, was removed by Apple from their App Store in China. Other religion-related apps were also removed, including the Bible App by Olive Tree. Apple Censorship first reported the series of targeted takedowns on the religiously inspired apps on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.
On the afternoon of October 8, Friday, the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toledo in Spain released an apology for the “improper use of a sacred place.” The statement released by the archdiocese on behalf of Archbishop Francisco Cerro Chaves responds to a music video shot in the 13th century Toledo Cathedral.
The MIT Technology Review obtained a Facebook internal data-research report in 2019. According to the report from 2019 running up to 2020, the top pages that create content for Christian and African American audiences were run by troll farms. The separate pages creating different ranges were managed by the same troll farms based in Kosovo and Macedonia.
Critics blasted a study published in the online journal Scientific Report on September 20, 2021. The study, "A Tunguska sized airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam, a Middle Bronze Age city in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea," presented a seemingly innocent and legitimate scientific venture.
Less than a month after Jesse Duplantis lied about giving out generators during Hurricane Ida, the notorious pastor is in hot water again. In one of the episodes of a 4-day Victorython, Duplantis claimed that Jesus had not returned yet, because people were not donating enough. “Jesus hasn’t come because people are not giving the way God told them to give,” he said.
A viral Tiktok video gaining more than 1 million views shows a man harassing women on a beach. The video, uploaded around September 5, by Mia, who goes by the Tiktok handle “@ggarbagefairy” offers a first-person point of view of someone being harassed for their choice of clothing.
On August 22, 2021, the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) of the Punjab province in Pakistan announced that Tiktokers are banned from entering public parks. The decision was made during a meeting of the PHA officials on the same day.