
UK Teacher 'Still in Hiding' After Showing Cartoon of Prophet Muhammad

In March 2021, a teacher showed his students a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo during a lesson at Batley Grammar School. His action sparked protests outside the school, with dozens of people deeming it "inappropriate" and some of them demanding him to be fired.


Funeral of Ahmadi Woman Attacked By Pakistani Mob

On June 5, a funeral procession of an Ahmadi woman in Safdarabad, Punjab, was attacked on its way to the cemetery by a local mob led by right-wing Muslim clerics. The mob opposed the idea of having an Ahmadi person being buried near a Muslim graveyard.


Pakistani Court Grants Bail to Christian In Blasphemy Case

Nabeel Masih, a 16-year-old Christian, was accused by Akhtar Ali on September 18, 2016, of committing blasphemy in a Facebook post. Ali claimed the post “defamed and disrespected” the Kaaba in Mecca. Ali also claimed that he and some friends discovered a picture on Masih’s timeline depicting a pig on top of the Kaaba.

Canada Declares China’s Actions Against Uyghurs is Genocide

Canada’s House of Commons voted unanimously to affirm that China’s actions toward it’s ethnic minority of Uyghurs is genocide. Justin Trudeau and liberal members of his cabinet did not attend the vote on Monday. By declaring China’s “reeducation” camps as part of an ongoing campaign of genocide, Canada joins the United States as the second nation to stand up to China’s violations of human rights. 
