Are you truly an atheist, or are you something else? Take this evaluation and see where you lie on the six point scale.
Dean Van Drasek's Blog
About the Author
I am an American, although I have lived in Asia for more than 20 years. I was born into a Christian family, but could never quite believe, although I gave it a good try. My Grandmother used to good naturedly call me a "heathen," and how right she was. I came out as a non-believer to family and friends when I went to college. I enjoy reading about comparative mythology.
Everyone blames the “radicals” for the evils perpetrated in the name of one religion or another. Here is a quick test to see if you live amongst them.
Why do religious believers always think that, given the freedom, Atheists would engage in beastiality, among other terrible things?
Here are five reasons to leave your religion -- no matter what it is. All in good fun.
An atheist need not avoid religious events - there is a lot of fun to be had out there without eroding your stance as a non-believer.