There have been surges of atheism before, but they have never lasted. Will this one be different?
Dean Van Drasek's Blog
About the Author
I am an American, although I have lived in Asia for more than 20 years. I was born into a Christian family, but could never quite believe, although I gave it a good try. My Grandmother used to good naturedly call me a "heathen," and how right she was. I came out as a non-believer to family and friends when I went to college. I enjoy reading about comparative mythology.
Ever been told about what a tremendous sacrifice Jesus made for you to give you eternal salvation? Try this response next time, and see what they say.
When a believer tells you they are sorry you’re going to hell, or threatens eternal torture, just smile and say: “That’s ok. I love children.”
I have never understood why there are so many postings about the control of Jerusalem on the AR site, but here is my take on it.
In almost every country atheists are a minority. We need to start functioning as one if we are to expand our rights in representative governments.