KimBoo York's Blog

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KimBoo York

I am a professional writer and storyteller living in North Florida, USA. In my mid-40’s, I am employed full time at a local university, while blogging and working on my creative writing pursuits. Both of my parents died when I was in my mid-twenties, and I have been writing about atheist grief/mourning issues since 2010. You can check out my grief blog here.

Follow KimBoo York on twitter : @kimboo_york

Tue, 05/23/2017 - 02:50

There is a romantic pull to the idea of shifting off this mortal coil with some remnant of ourselves left behind for our loved ones to cherish.

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 05:54

What can we learn about dealing with personal loss from the public spectacle of mourning a celebrity’s death?

Fri, 06/27/2014 - 19:09

Finding solace in grief that isn't religious or superstitious calls for a new, secular language of grief.

Thu, 02/27/2014 - 11:34

The common ground for all mourners is that we grieve for what we have lost, but also for what we will never have.

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 03:09

KimBoo York has been an atheist mourner since 1996, and in her first column brings her brand of sarcasm and optimism to the brutal reality of grief.