Imagine There's No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World

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Imagine There's No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World
Imagine There's No Heaven

Imagine There's No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World

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Religion has seen umpteen highs and lows through history and all of its achievements as well as losses have been chronicled over the years. But, what about those who have challenged religion? What about their accomplishments and their glorious past? Spanning from ancient Greece to modern-day America, Imagine There’s No Heaven examines the role that nonbelievers have played in the shaping of Western civilization.

At each juncture of the book, Stephens addresses common themes by interrogating the role that gods play in paradise or the role that gods played in creating man on earth. With every question, Stephens proves how nonbelievers have helped science move forward and the world evolve. In the book, you will learn how nonbelievers, including Denis Diderot and Jean- Jacques Rousseau, helped develop human liberties and influenced the earliest findings of the United States by challenging the strictures of holy books and the divine rights of monarchs.

On many occasions, those who are not slaves to blind belief have led revolutions in science, philosophy, politics, art, psychology and even medicine. In his book, Stephens narrates the courageous tales of history’s most important atheists. Stephens makes a strong and original case for their importance not only in terms of today’s New Atheist Movement but also in terms of how many believers and nonbelievers think and live today.

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firebolt's picture
This book makes me wonder
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
I think atheism may be a

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