Hey all.
Ignoring the...situation ...going on around the world (but still being smart and safe) I've honestly been doing alright. Been reading s ton of Anne rice with the wife, had out of state company, been well balanced.
I think it's time to take a research break again. I still find myself on atheist/exchristian pages a lot for support or learning which has been great at developing community but I also noticed it can be triggering. Today in passing someone on a thread mentioned how their old traditional Catholic school taught something about how the Russian royal family knew about the Fatima predictions about them and it proves Fatima was real blah blah
And I didn't search it, even though I have compulsions. I know claims of a quote from trad cats are bs, and it's probably a vague interpriation at best or a straight out forgery even, because hey theyre dead who is gonna tattle? But the immediate knee jerk panic I felt at there somehow being more "proof" just showed me I'm still recovering and I need more space to do that. I need to back away more than I am to heal. No Reddit, ho atheist podcasts for a while. Might still pop on here to this sub forum to say hi.
I know everyone's got bigger stress, and honestly I'm sure this stress isn't helping me either , but I appreciate you guys and wanted to share
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Thank you for the update Mikhael. I always care about you. And I always wish you the best.
For myself, I intend to turn to comedy. Films, videos, anything in that genre. But I always find a way to be busy, and that keeps an idle mind from turning towards stuff that is depressing.
FYI, all of the current restrictions are intended to slow the spread of this virus so that the health services are not overwhelmed. Only when a vaccine is developed and fielded can we eliminate this scourge. Even right now, there are labs and scientific institutions around the world working at breakneck speed to deal with this problem, and there has been progress. There is already a light at the end of the tunnel.
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