Do you believe the world can be saved?

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AnimalLeader's picture
Do you believe the world can be saved?

Could it be that we as a species are just too flawed and earth is too vulnerable for such a destructive species? Will we manage to evolved into creatures of peace and calm before we finish each other off in a big nuclear blast?

I think human kind will see an earlier end than we might think.

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Trevor's picture
I also believe we are closer

I also believe we are closer to our doom than we think. At any moment one of the countries that holds nuclear warheads is going to get trigger happy and we will all disappear.

James's picture
I think that we are indeed

I think that we are indeed close to extermination due to our disrespect towards nature and other living creatures. i just hope not to be around when the time comes

DarkLight's picture
We are all doomed even if the

We are all doomed even if the end comes hundreds of years from now it already started going downhill.

TW Duke's picture
Yes things look bad, but I

Yes things look bad, but I don't think we will annihilate each other. Our hope should be that human beings at some point start to use reason and common sense instead of silly fables and myth. Someday though the earth and everything on it must end. That is inevitable. Nothing material lasts forever.

Zaphod's picture
I just want to say this is

I just want to say this is true, eventually if nothing else the earth will be sucked into the sun.

Hamlet's picture
No it won't. The dying sun

No it won't. The dying sun will engulf the earth and incinerate everything that will burn. Life will be over, all of it.

Zaphod's picture
The world I think has it's

The world I think has it's own mechanisms for saving itself and the world will go on with or without us one way or another. I believe the world has gone on for a long time before we were present and will for a long time after we are gone even if we do manage to bring about our own demise. Find the the oldest people you can and ask if there was always some supposed threat that could or was going to end humanity. However I don't think anytime soon humanity will completely cease either, technology is growing by leaps and bounds. No doubt there will be instances that will threaten to nearly wipe us out from time to time but honestly I believe the chances of humanity being completely wiped out are growing less and less as time moves forward. Even a nuclear war these days has much chance of completely wiping out humanity though one would do quite a number on our populous.

Hamlet's picture
Technology has enabled a lot

Technology has enabled a lot of comforts, but I think that being dependent on technology is more likely to cause a die off than prevent one. Eventually the power grid will fail, and the only technology that will be of any use will be of the subsistence survival type--starting a fire, building shelter, finding and killing food, making clothing. Life will revert to subsistence and those who don't have those skills are screwed. Injury and disease will cull populations again. Thing is, the proportion of persons alive today with the knowledge and tools to survive under those conditions is very few and localized to geographical pockets. Some will be compassionate and generous, some will not. I seriously think this is more likely our future than Star Trek.

Walker's picture
The world is doomed because

The world is doomed because those that rule it are always looking out for their best interest. All you can really do is protect those you love and protect yourself but human nature is to destroy every single thing for power. Some would even argue that protecting those you love is also useless because the world will end soon, but other believe it could take much longer.

The truth is that we are always a day away from some psycho dictator who can get trigger happy with his nukes.

James's picture
greediness: the compulsive

greediness: the compulsive necessity of owning everything, that is really the worst flaw about humanity and what will take us all to the grave.

Mxwll's picture
Nuclear warheads may be the

Nuclear warheads may be the end of a region of the world, but now the real threats are natural disasters, water quality, famine and disease.

Hamlet's picture
The planet existed before

The planet existed before life and before humans. It can still exist without either.
Considering that nearly every species that ever arose on this planet has gone extinct, it is reasonable to assume that humans will go extinct too. We just can't reliably predict the means by which that will come about.

Zaphod's picture
Are you sure there was no

Are you sure there was no life before this planet existed?

Hamlet's picture
The planet existed before

The planet existed before there was any life on it. It will exist for a time after all life on it is gone.

Zaphod's picture
With this I agree, it is at

With this I agree, it is at the very least extremely likely!

Schibaka's picture
We are the predators on this

We are the predators on this planet, we are the destroyers, the killers without emotions for the animals and other life forms. We kill every single thing we find. So no i dont think this world can be saved. Our race will also be the death of us.. soon. I would rather take the animals side than my own race, thats how bad it is.

You think your life is more important than the life of a bear, cat, dog, pig etc?
No your life is not more important

Zaphod's picture
Agreed mostly but we are also

Agreed mostly but we are also survivors developers and learners. One key development is we have learned to clone extinct species.

Hamlet's picture
Does that serve a beneficial

Does that serve a beneficial purpose for those species?
Does it serve a beneficial purpose for humans that they can do that?

Zaphod's picture
I don't know only time would

I don't know only time would tell imagine though if we clone something with no natural predators for this day and age. it could quickly get out of hand and yes prove very beneficial to species. but As i said only time would tell.

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