Do you use these sayings or cursings?

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atheister's picture
Do you use these sayings or cursings?

There's no doubt that practically everywhere you go there are mentions of God. From "God Bless You" when you sneeze to saying "God damit" when you bang your knee. I was raised Catholic so I have a tendency to say these things.

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paw42uk's picture
I am not sure why, but I

I am not sure why, but I always say 'bless you', when someone sneezes. It is like an involuntary reaction, I just can't help it.
I was raised as R.C. so my guess is that it is just habit.

Who's God's picture
When someone sneezes, I say

When someone sneezes, I say "bubble gum." Get it? "Ahhhh choooo!" Anyway, there are two words that I won't say...well, three words: G*d dammit, mother fu*cker or the word f*ck in general. I just don't like the way any of these words sound, so I don't say them And I'll slap my daughter in the mouth if I ever hear these words come out of her mouth.

Trevor's picture
Saying things like "god bless

Saying things like "god bless" you or "god forbid" doesnt really mean anything. I think they are simply saying we have been hearing for so long that we tend to say them without even thinking. No big deal really.

yostrich's picture
Wow who's god, because child

Wow who's god, because child abuse is morally superior to a few words that some people think are offensive.

I agree with trevor - no big deal really.

Really, cursing using god should be more acceptable for atheists to use than christians, to whom it is "taking the lord's name in vain"

James's picture
hahahahahahaha i still use

hahahahahahaha i still use thank god saying, but i use to say thank god im an atheist; because when i read the whole bible (the lords inspired word ) i became an atheist

Rob's picture
I still say things like

I still say things like "bless you" for a sneeze or "thank god" for something that went right. But it has no actual meaning in the sense of believing that god had anythig to do with whatever went right. It's just a saying.

Zaphod's picture
Yeah I use these terms and I

Yeah I use these terms and I find it funny that I do. I was raised Roman Catholic as well before I became an atheist and I find terms like God bless you ect.. make people feel better I was raised to believe this was the polite thing to say and sometimes they even make me feel better, but mainly say these God related terms out of habit.

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