The Experience of an ex-Muslim Teen

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RebelliousPearl's picture
The Experience of an ex-Muslim Teen

Greerings, AR community!

As I've mentioned in the title of the thread, I am a teenager that used to identify as a Muslim. I have only left the religion (and theism in general) recently, although not publicly. I have discovered this community today after a friend shared a post from the Facebook page, and I decided to create an account. I'd like to share my experience of converting to Atheism with the community as a first interaction! This is going to be slightly long, but please bear with me for a while.

My change of belief seems really sudden, but it only happened after a long inner battle and identity crisis.

I am a seventeen year old girl that lives in a large Muslim community. My maternal family was never one to be religious, but my paternal one is. I've received an Islamic education for as long as I can remember, and although I used to believe, I have always felt uneasiness. I was always one to question everything and point out what I see strange for a righteous God to do, which sometimes got me in trouble. I've never really practiced, and haven't felt any spiritual relief when trying to pray, nothing at all.

However, despite being rebellious and quite skeptical, I still believed. Why, you ask? Well, I have been convinced that there was scientific "evidence" to the Quran, mentioned facts that have been written in it centuries ago but only discovered "recently", so I jumped to the conclusion that an all-knowing omnipotent being must have written it. However, as I've started interacting with my non-Muslim friends more often, and as I've started learning philosophy as a subject, my uneasiness grew, to the point of frustration. This religion contradicted my own style of life, my own thinking, my own (now atheistic-)agnostic philosophy that if a God were to exist, it should represent the order and energy of our universe, rather than bind humans with rules that sometimes harmed them. I didn't want to be part of the religion anymore, yet felt shackled because of my convinction. I spoke to my mother (who, as I mentioned, is not religious), my philosophy teacher and few friends about my frustration. They were all supportive and told me to stop stressing myself and to slowly walk the path of uncertain truth without hurry, but I couldn't help it, I felt like the endless contradiction was about to break me.

That's why I jumped at the very first skeptical explanation of how "new" discoveries were in the Holy Book, which might seem hasty, but it feels right.

Luckily, as I was struggling, I came across some facts, and it wasn't hard for me to reach a realization. Throughout history, people would destroy development of former civilizations once conquered. Furthermore, some archeological objects were found with such technology that astonishes current scientists, with no documentation whatsoever. That explained it all! Those "new" discoveries that were in the Quran must have been achieved long ago, but had evidence of them removed. I felt so naive for thinking, believing that those writings were from a Holy source just because of that, while a logical explanation has been waiting for me all along.

I told those who supported me about the realization, and they were happy that I've found my inner peace. However, I am unable to share my view publicly, as I'm sure my paternal family would blame my mother, who hasn't shown any signs of Atheism to them but simply doesn't follow the rules, for educating me to be an Atheist, because, you know, a young person straying from the path of God must have been mislead by the devil. It's not like I can think for myself or anything.

Now of course, no conclusion is certain; science, philosophy, all reseach is in constant development, but even if I end up believing in some sort of God someday, they would be a symbol, a philosophy I created for myself, not one to worship and believe in blindly with no proof. I know that what I did was right, because I feel free.

So even though I'm a little confused, happy, but confused, since all of this happened so fast, I currently consider myself as a young Agnostic-Atheist that has freed herself from the shackles of religion and that wishes to learn from and be suppported by the experienced adults in this community.

Thank you for reading, and I apologize if there were any unnecessary details!

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watchman's picture
@Rebellious Pearl....

@Rebellious Pearl....

Greetings and welcome......

I commend your courage and tenacity ..... you've done well....

Only me on line to welcome you at present but others will be along shortly....

RebelliousPearl's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

CyberLN's picture
Welcome, Pearl. Nice to have

Welcome, Pearl. Nice to have you here!

RebelliousPearl's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

Nyarlathotep's picture
From my limited experience

From my limited experience with dealing with Muslim claims; I have heard this claim about modern scientific knowledge in the Quran. They always make some grandiose claim; but when you read the passage it is rather mundane. This is one that is often cited:

Muslim apologists site - The sun runs its coarse to a settled place That is the decree of the Almighty, the All Knowing Qur’an, 36:38

“Settled place” is the translation of the word mustaqarr which indicates an exact appointed place and time. Modern astronomy confirms that the solar system is indeed moving in space at a rate of 12 miles per second towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules ( alpha lyrae ) whose exact location has been precisely calculated

You might notice that all motion is towards an exact location (actually all motion is toward an infinite number of exact locations); and that this is pretty obvious to anyone, be it a cave man or a modern scientist. These arguments are just good enough to convince people who already want to believe them, and nothing more.

Anyway, glad to see you here!

RebelliousPearl's picture
Thank you, and yes, it was

Thank you, and yes, it was conditioning afterall, I suppose. ^^

Seenyab4's picture
Nice to meet you, I suppose

Nice to meet you, I suppose we are two different sides of the same coin. I'm also a recently turned teen but from a Christian family. One thing I can say is, that this website is a big help. If you ever need someone to talk to we are more than willing to help

RebelliousPearl's picture
Thank you! I'm glad to find

Thank you! I'm glad to find such a peaceful and welcoming community!

Ari Bendavid's picture
Welcome Pearl.. i am glad

Welcome Pearl.. i am glad you found this forum. You will gain much support and knowledge. You have an open mind and that is one of the best qualities a person can have . Welcome again !

pork232's picture
Hey! I am a teenager too! I

Hey! I am a teenager too! I am not quite an atheist, but there are certain religious things I doubt. Still there are other things that I wonder about sometimes. Welcome :-)

RebelliousPearl's picture
Hello! Well, I personally don

Hello! Well, I personally don't consider myself as a complete atheist but an agnostic-atheist, still counts as an atheist I guess. I love how this community is open to different people and views!

ZeffD's picture
Welcome Rebellious Pearl.

Welcome Rebellious Pearl.
Religion is parent-given, as you seem to have realized now. Even many god-believers and religionists acknowledge that religion is man-made, whichever god they favor...

I don't believe in "believing in".

RebelliousPearl's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

And that seems like a it'd be a beneficial link, I'm interested in religious mythologies even though I neither believe in nor want to be bound by one anymore, so thank you for giving it, I'll make sure to check it out.

Pitar's picture
"It's not like I can think

"It's not like I can think for myself or anything."

You had me laughing with that. Thanks for the humor. You're going to be just fine and, by the way, welcome to being you.

RebelliousPearl's picture
Haha thank you, and sarcasm

Haha thank you, and sarcasm is my way of coping with my salt on stupidity.

an_order_of_magnitude's picture
"slowly walk the path of

"slowly walk the path of uncertain truth without hurry"


RebelliousPearl's picture
Thank you? XD That is the

Thank you? XD That is the motto I've set for myself and am planning to follow from now on.

an_order_of_magnitude's picture
It is a compliment.

It is a compliment.

RebelliousPearl's picture
I am aware. I just thanked

I am aware. I just thanked you awkwardly because I sometimes don't know how to react to a sudden compliment. xD

chefu's picture
I think this movie was made

Its so nice that your here! a big welcome :)
I think this movie was made just for people like you and should put your heart at ease - seeking truth is the most important thing next to being true to yourself Both are difficult paths but rewarding - good luck! and much happiness!

TheraminTrees - betting on infinity (actually I enjoy his entire series, he asked some pretty tough questions on me :P)

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