Fuck the Fourth

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NameRemovedByMod's picture
Fuck the Fourth

Ever since I became aware of how the republican/christian politicians have been detaining children and women who were just trying to escape a bad situation I have been protesting and have been very vocal.

Today I see no reason to celebrate this freedom of people living in poverty, the sick, the poor and the homeless, the minorities who are singled out by the cops and shot. The woman who wants an abortion, but very soon will not be able too. I am patriotic. I DISSENT! It is the most patriotic thing one can do when they speak up about a fascist theocracy and dictatorship we now live in!

So while my trump supporting neighbors are shooting of fireworks I will be burning the flag in protest!

Many may not agree and I am sure the pigs will show up!

I am pissed and will not just sit and wait for something good to just happen. Inaction is the same as condoning what this country has become.

I wish I had a bible to burn, as that would really piss a lot of them off! LOL!

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Terminal Dogma's picture
Don't get arrested man.

Don't get arrested man.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
It is a small one and from

It is a small one and from what I have read, still legal to do so. I guess I still have time to go out and find a bible somewhere! If they do show up I am English and very white, that might confuse the ICE agents, should they show up too. I assume they could always lie and say I bleached my skin like Michael Jackson. I certainly hope they don't try to arrest me as I really am not one to go quietly and have to work tomorrow. Okay I will start with the bible first. Thanks for your concern. I will let you know how it went.

Terminal Dogma's picture
Take your anger to more

Take your anger to more productive channels like lobbying local politicians, joining peaceful groups for change. One stupid mistake can get you a felony conviction or shot and 5 minutes after you ruin your Life nobody will care but your life will be ruined and you will have changed nothing for others.

Sky Pilot's picture


My thoughts and prayers are with you. Think happy thoughts, you will feel better.

algebe's picture
Take care. People have been

Take care. People have been shot for holding a mobile phone in their hand. It's best to demonstrate in a group with placards, etc. A lone protestor with something dark-colored (like a bible) in his hand will be an easy target.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Well I found a constructive

Well I found a constructive way to burn both. It made for a great way to start my grill! Of course the neighbors wonder why I am cooking so late! Have to go as that grill is as hot as hell! LOL!

Alembé's picture
Hi Thelargerbowl,,

Hi Thelargerbowl,,

Hotels are a great source of bibles for burning. The Gideons put them there and I'm sure they would not mind if they were take home "for further study."

arakish's picture


That's funny. I burned an American Flag last night just to piss off my family. And the reasons I gave were all you listed.

I have really gotten to despise this "American" thing this cesspool has grown into. Especially with the religious bullshit that comes with it.

Fuck America. I may live here, but that does not mean I have to agree with its politics, or its Absolutists.

Alembé: Hotels are a great source of bibles for burning. The Gideons put them there and I'm sure they would not mind if they were take home "for further study."

LOLOL!! And I have done that also. Right out in the parking lot. Pissed the staff off when they came to see what "a guest is burning something in the parking lot." I simply told them that it offends me that a Bible is in my room. So I burned it to prevent its resurrection. You know, kind of like an undead thing.


Terminal Dogma's picture
"That's funny. I burned an

"That's funny. I burned an American Flag last night just to piss off my family"

Some high IQ shit......NOT.

Closet_atheist's picture

“Fuck America”

Well Fuck off and move out!
Go back to your third world country and maybe you’ll survive another week.

Regardless of the corruption or unfairness I’d rather live here, than most anywhere.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
So much for his freedom of

So much for his freedom of expression! When someone disagrees with the current government and say's fuck America, they should move? Sounds like a closet conservative and why would anyone here get upset at burning a bible?

Your an asshole! Of course that was already established by yourself. Go clean your gun!

arakish's picture
I feel the same. Not only is

I feel the same. Not only is he a "Closet_atheist," but definitely seems to be a "closet conservative, Bush baby."

@Closet_atheist: Everyone is allowed to have their opinion. Why did you not go after thelargerbowl with your idiocy?

And do not worry. I'll be leaving this cesspool you call America soon enough. When I retire, I shall be moving to Australia, or New Zealand, have not decided which. Been to Aussiland seven times, Kiwiland three times, and the people, IN GENERAL are a hell of lot more friendly than you sorry ass Americans. Yes, I say you Americans. Just because I was born here, does not mean I identify with being American. Due to both my paternal AND maternal ancestry, I identify myself as a Highlander living in America. For me, that is a big difference.

Just by that one post:

Well Fuck off and move out!
Go back to your third world country and maybe you’ll survive another week.

Regardless of the corruption or unfairness I’d rather live here, than most anywhere.

you are proving to me that you are actually a "Closet_theist." To have that high of an opinion of yourself and this country, just shows me that you are an Absolutist. Because ONLY Absolutists will look down upon others, view others as being beneath them, just because of a difference of opinion.

I am not looking down on America and Americans. I am only looking down upon their behavior. IN GENERAL, Americans are the worst and sorriest people in the world. I know. I have traveled over this entire Earth. The only continent I have not been on is Antarctica. I have been to so many other countries, I can no longer hope to be able to list them all. I could, but it may take a month or more.

Out of all countries I have been to, the Aussie's and Kiwi's were the friendliest and nicest people I have ever interacted with. Canadians pull a close third, but are probably tied with the Scots (specifically the Highlanders). Hell, even the poor and slums people of Paraguay are more friendly than us Americans. But you still have to watch yourself down there.

In America, I cannot go walking down the street, tip my hat to a lady and say, "G'Day, maam." without her looking and acting like I am going to rape her. Even the guys tend to scowl. Hell, I might get better reactions if I were to slap the ladies and punch the guys. Not really, but you get the picture. Americans are the most deluded people in the world. They all feel they are better than any others.

Thus, yes, I say to Americans, "Go FUCK yourselves." You want to act like you are God's gift to the Earth, then go to Hell. As I said, I'll be leaving soon enough.


Edit: P.S. - I do NOT look at ALL Americans this way. Just IN GENERAL. Most American Atheists are much like the Aussies and Kiwis. Ta Ta.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
The Closet atheist has come

The Closet atheist has come after me about his love of guns. He does sound like a troll. My point was that with all going o with the current NAZi administration I felt compelled to not celebrate the fourth and salute the dam flag and pledge allegiance to it.

trump and conservatives are human garbage, That is a fact, Not an opinion. Religion and republicans go hand in hand. Democrats need to get a spine, but would never do what this monster has done.

Freedom of expression, being vocal and resisting and taking action are more patriotic than shooting off fireworks and getting drunk signing the national anthem.

From one of my favorite Rush songs. "My mind is not for rent, to any god or government"!

arakish's picture
I love that Rush song also.

I love that Rush song also. But my all time favorite has to John Lennon's "Imagine."

And he is one of those gun nazis. Oh hell. I only keep a gun handy because of where I live. There are coyote packs that will even threaten humans where I live. There are even wolves and bears. But, so far, I have only had the coyotes threaten me. A well placed shot from a blank usually scares them away. But I also know that will only for so long before I will have to use real ammo. And yes, I carry a clip of real ammo with me, just in case. As for my other guns, they are collector's items I inherited from my dad. And one's I have purchased. My pride was actually finding a Luger that used to belong to a Nazi SS officer (authenticated). My other pride is my grandfather's World War One rifle he used in WW1.

And on a further note. I have been finding that the Latinos are friendlier than the whites and blacks. Whassup with that?


Terminal Dogma's picture
You sound like an ungrateful,

You sound like an ungrateful, entitled scumbag.

David Killens's picture
As a Canadian I have a lot of

As a Canadian I have a lot of love and respect for my southern neighbors, even though they are tearing each other apart with divisive politics. The moment anyone identifies themselves with any one specific political party, they have surrendered their identity.

If you don't like what's happening, get political. Become active, make a positive difference.

Peurii's picture
In the late hours of the

In the late hours of the night I wonder what our world would be like today had Al Gore won George Bush jr. in the 2000 elections.

But Trump is hardly a nazi. That's a hyperbole. He's just an opportunistic populist narcissist with Reagan's slogans taped it.

Do you think USA's politics would be healthier if it abolished first-past-the-post and adopted a proportional voting system?

lighthearted athiest's picture
What does this have to do

What does this have to do with atheism? If these are your secular political views that's awesome. But I do not think anyone is claiming the GOP is locking up people for Christ. They are doing it because they are isolationist racists.

The vast majority of latinos in the country are Christian and they oppose this. I do not think this is a Christian issue.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
What do you think the GOP

What do you think the GOP party is made up of? Christian conservatives! That is their base! That is who they pander too. The christians have no problem with what trump, (their messiah) has done. They back him. It is a christian issue because this party constantly crosses the line of church and state.

I have not ran across any christians who have condemned this act. I have not seen a liberal christian. The churches are in the pockets of the GOP and have been for years. Just like Sean Hannity had a direct line to trump's office, so did pat robertson when reagen was in.

And my point was, why should we celebrate freedom when we are locking up innocent children in cages!

Nyarlathotep's picture
thelargerbowl - And my point

thelargerbowl - And my point was, why should we celebrate freedom when we are locking up innocent children in cages!

They don't count because they have brown skin; welcome to the USA.

Sky Pilot's picture
July 9th was the 150 year

July 9th was the 150 year anniversary of the 14th Amendment. For the previous 79 years non-citizens did not have any Constitutional rights. Should non-citizens have Constitutional rights in America?

Sky Pilot's picture
July 9th was the 150 year

deleted double post

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