Tooth may need to be pulled

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Harry33Truman's picture
Tooth may need to be pulled

The back molar on the left side of my mouth has lost another piece, and it may be too damaged to be repaired. I may have to have it pulled, but want to be asleep for it. All I can say is, I wishing hadn't forgotten to brush my teeth so frequently. After that dentist visit a few months ago, I haven't forgotten to brush even once because it was so terrifying, but with this tooth it seems that the damage is already done.

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LogicFTW's picture
If what you wrote was said

Thanks for editing your post for clarity.

MCDennis's picture
Why is this post relevant on

Why is this post relevant on this site??

algebe's picture
You're sure it's not a wisdom

You're sure it's not a wisdom tooth? Lots of people need those pulling because they tend to grow crooked and crowd the other teeth.

Don't worry. Once they've numbed you with a local anesthetic, you won't feel a thing. A full anesthetic involves risk and would be very expensive. You'd probably need a night in hospital. It's not worth it just for a tooth. Although you might have a near-death experience with visions of angels or devils that you could share here.

Sky Pilot's picture
Harry Truman,

Harry Truman,

If you are sensitive to the local numbing agent go for the gas or else you might vomit. If it's a wisdom tooth it could seem like the dentist is pulling your whole jaw. You will survive the ordeal but it's best if you aren't awake to experience it.

ImFree's picture
Harry Truman:

Harry Truman:

You might want to start using a new product called Enamelon which protects teeth from acidic food and drinks which can negatively affect tooth enamel. It is a powerful and effective enamel toothpaste that is far superior to a typical fluoride toothpaste since it helps in teeth remineralization. My dentist recommended it to me. You can buy it on Amazon.

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