In urgent need of help and support

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bindex's picture
In urgent need of help and support

Please I will like to appeal to the people that make up this community for urgent help. I am really at the lowest point in my life at the moment and I really have no where to go to. I made the mistake of being outspoken about my atheism when I wasn't fully ready and independent. I wasn't going around promoting athiesm, I felt I just needed to tell people the truth about my unbelief and my position about God and religion. That has turned out to be my greatest undoing because I lost everything. Family, friends and am about loosing my own sanity. I will need to relocate to another place and start a new life. Rent a place, put myself in order and then get myself a job. Since my family has deserted and disowned me. I just need to move away and start a new life some where else far away from here in another state.I live in a closely knitted society and I can't live here anymore. I will need about 1500 dollars for my resettlement. I am appealing to anybody that is willing and able to assist me to please come to my aid. I need this assistance the way anybody needs air to breath.

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mykcob4's picture
Don't come here and ask for

Don't come here and ask for money, you won't get any. If you need help, click the Resources button on the top banner. They will direct you to people that can guide you.

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